chapter four

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"That...that shadow"

He's looking so scared but he continue while stuttering.

"That shadow.....he trying to kill me"

I'm just staring at him without showing any concern and emotions towards him.

"Anna,that damn shadow want to kill me because of you,"

What because of me but still i never show any emotions.."what happened tell me everything"

"Okay,I'll tell you"

He take deep breath and then literally narrated whole story...
        "After I saw shadow at your room I run right?and then I start my car engine and stops Infront of my house I went in and drink water but suddenly all lights starts blinking  I get scared and runs towards my room and cover my self in blanket I was so scared and frightened...that shadow enters my room and whispered in my ear but I didn't hear anything because of fear so he shouted which gives me goosebumps all over my body
"Don't you dare to touch her"
I get even more scared and start shivering and I know after this I fell unconscious...
And after that night i keep on seeing that fucking shadow I can't even dare to sleep because I'm so scared,"

Well what should I do I mean I'm lost of my words
"Oh,so how can I help you"

"I also don't know just save me before he kill me"

"Sorry,Jacob but I think it's karma don't you think so you always said I'm psycho who heard voices now see who's scared of one unknown, unrealistic shadow" I smirk at him because that's what he deserves he always make fun of me and he's the reason I always think I have some weird disorder..

"I'm sorry Anna,I'm so sorry"

So,now he's really sorry but wait he talk to me after his party night so I ask him

"But,wait Jacob you said you first saw shadow on your birthday party night right?"


"Then,when you talk to me next-day in sports room,you seems fine there"

"Oh,yeah I just pretend to be okay I didn't take his warning seriously and second I was curious about you and your relation with shadow"

"Well, actually I'm also curious who's shadow was he"

"Anna, please forgive me"

"Okay,now leave"

He left and so do I. I go back to my class but I am not present in class mentally I'm thinking about all the situation.
And I didn't realize class is over and someone calling me


Oh she's Maria 

"Back to earth Anna"

"Yeah,yeah I'm just thinking about shadow"

"Hm,isn't this all seems and sound so fictional I mean one unidentified Shadow and you talking,he confess his feeling to you,he saved you,he promise to protect you,he even become your friend woah,woah"

"I don't know what should I do please help me out I'm going crazy"

"Come with me to my house and we will have fun and today also your birthday"

"Not a bad idea,but I have to go on a dinner with parents"

"Okay,then what about tomorrow"


We packed all our stuffs and leave the class Maria goes home back but I go to library for studying.

I am reading book at the very corner of library near a huge window the sun brightening and I love to sit under sunlight and to read there.

The wind starts and sound of wind is so,charming but still distracting me I closed my eyes


I get scared and open my eyes.The view Infront of me wasn't new the  shadow is forming on wall

"You scared me again"

"I like your face when you are scared"

"Huh,what you want now"


"Excuse me what this mean"

"Will you spend today with me"


"Will you or not"

"Em,okay I'll but how can we talk in public"

"Simple,I replace your shadow with me and all you have to do is to remain under light"

"Sounds fun"

"Are you ready then"

"I am"

With this he enters in my body and my shadow Infront of me say

"Let's go"

I felt amazing and got shock on the same time
Now,I can hear him but no one other I put handfrees in my ears so no one think I'm talking to my self So,I go to park for a walk...


Unidentified Shadow And MeWhere stories live. Discover now