Chapter 1: Childhood memories

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Note:This story is a Kuroo x Reader/ Ushijima x Reader fanfic

     Reminder: In the ending of the story there are two routes or ending, you will have the freedom to choose which boy you've fallen in love with

Edited on: 8/26/2020

I met Kuroo when I was walking in the park one day...
I saw a little boy sitting down covering his head with his hands on the side of the path, I was walking on

     "Hey, are you okay? " I approached him and noticed he was crying.

   "Hey do you need help or something? " I asked

He doesn't answer and hides his face, I started to get annoyed and grabbed his face and went closer to his face
"Uwwuuuuwwahh... " he started crying again.

   "Hey! Boys aren't supposed to cry, are you a girl or something!?! " I said still holding his face. His face was really squishy and cute.

" I-i-im sowwy, pleshhed lwet mwy fwacced gwo *sniff*" Oh yah I think I just made him more sad, I let go of his face and sit beside him,

"Now tell me why are you crying? "

"*sniff* the other kids didn't want to play with me and now I'm alone and lonely..."

I look at him with a confused look "Is there something on my face??" he asks.

"No it's just a stupid reason to cry about " I answer directly  then he starts to cry again.

I guess I was to mean Heh...

"Hey if you don't have anyone to play with then let's play together!!" I stand then reached out my hand. He looks up with a surprised but cute face,
"R-really? " he asks, I wipe his tears then takes his hand.

"Yup!! Oh yah, I'm Y/N(Your name) "

"I-Im Kuroo Tetsuro..."

I held his hand tight and start to run around.

From that day on me and Kuroo were always together and we became the best of friends...
I had a lot of Childhood memories because of Kuroo and I'm thankful!

Y/N's pov:

    "I love you Y/n, let's be together forever okay?" my childhood best friend asks.

"Okay!! "

I regret agreeing to him when I knew that day was the last time he would see me.

Years later, I just came back from Germany where my father was born.

I'm Y/N(Your name). I turned 17 yrs. Old, I was born in Japan but moved away. After my parents decided to go back to my father's mainland.

I have a lot of regrets from the past, like not saying goodbye to the my childhood sweetheart slash bestfriend Kuroo Tetsuro...

But I shouldn't be sulking about that
     "I'm gonna take a walk mom! " I run down the stairs then put on my shoes.

"Ahh, finally done moving in! " I stretch my arms. Then I noticed something from the distance,

A boy with spikey hair that reminded me of Kuroo. I smile, then when I was about to walk away the boy turns around and,

"KUROO!?! "

I run to him, I know it, it's really kuroo!

"It's me Y/n!!" I said

"Who's she? " I just noticed that there was a another boy next to him he had blond hair but on top it was black?

"Don't mind her, let's go Kenma " Kuroo grabs Kenma's arm and starts to walk away.

"H-huh, Kuroo wait it's me! " I said trying to stop him he turns back and says "I know, your the brat who left all of a sudden ".

    "K-kuroo " as I watch them walk away. Tears start to fall from my face and I could see the blond guy look back with a pitiful look.

I came back to my house soaking wet. if I'd known that it would rain I wouldn't have gone for a walk!
"Y/n dear, oh my your soaking wet!
Take a shower before you get a cold" My mother gives me a towel then I head to the bathroom.

After I took a bath I ate dinner with my parents then started to wash the dishes.

"I heard from Kuroo's mom, that you met him today... " I turn and see my mother there with her arms crossed.

"Oh yah I did, he was um...  "
"He's changed a lot hasn't he? " I lower my head so she won't see my tears, then she hugs me and I start to cry. I'm pathetic really pathetic...
I went up my room and layed down on my bed.

"Oh yah tomorrows my first day of my new school" wait...

"TOMORROWS THE FIRST DAY!!!! " My father comes in panicking

"Was ist passiert, wo ist der Einbrecher!?!(What happened where's the burglar!?!) "

"Entschuldigung Papa(sorry dad) I was just panicking cause of tommorow Heh... "

He looks at me with a funny look then closes the door
"Nekoma?.. Neko Neko... Neko=cat? "
"Yup they represent cats "
"HUWAHHH!!!?! " I turn to my door and see my little brother.

"You're so loud, Dad told me to check on you cause you were acting weird "

Oh yah that my brother "Aidan". He was the top of his class and excelled in sports. The only thing thats similar about us is that we both love sports.

"So which middle school are you going to? " I ask
"That is an irrelevant question. Now shut up your voice is A N N O Y I N G"
"You don't have to spell it, I'm not an idiot!!"

"You are.Period "

He leaves closing the door behind him. Wait how'd he come in when... Dad closed the do- wait Y/n don't think about that now!

"Ugh!! I'm so nervous for tomorrow!! "
"Ich habe dir gesagt, du sollst die Klappe halten !!(I told you to shut up!!) " my brother shouts outside the room.

"Oops~ "

To be continued~

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