Chapter 4

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Sofia's POV

''No!'' I yelled as I woke up from the nightmare. It was her. Everytime I close my eyes, I see her. The car crash keeps repeating in my head and the thought that it's my fault is making it worse.

I was released from the hospital yesterday. I'm the one who should have died in her place. She didn't deserve it. And her fiancè is right. Apology won't bring her back, but I don't know what to do.

I didn't know I started crying when Chloe entered my room.
''Again Sofia?'' She sat on my bed and hugged me.
''I didn't want to cause that accident.'' I sobbed.
''It's not your fault Sofia. You were under the effect of drug. How many times do I have to tell you?''
''But it's still my fault.''

''Let's go out. To take a walk. It's nice day, huh?'' She smiled. I nodded and got up from the bed.

I went in the bathroom and took a cold shower. I felt refreshed when I got out. I did my morning routine, but didn't want to put any makeup. I got dressed in blue jeans and black T-shirt.

Chloe locked the apartment before we started walking. It felt nice to get some air outside. We went in ice cream shop because Chloe said ice cream always makes person feeling better. But obviously didn't have any effect on me.

''Chloe, I want to go to the cemetary.'' I say.
''Are you sure?'' I nodded.

After 15 minutes of walking we came in front of cemetary. I took a deep breath. I came here to apologize to her privately. I just want to say to her what I have.

''Do you want me to come with you?''
''No Chloe. I want to be alone with her.''
''Okay.'' She gave me hug before I went inside.

I know her name is Stephanie Thomas. I found out from doctors and they told me her funeral was three days ago. I feel bad that I didn't come but they wouldn't let me from hospital.

I was walking through the cemetary and almost missed the grave with fresh flowers. I got closer to the grave and I was right. There was a tombstone with her name and year of birth and death.

I fell on my knees when I figured out how old was she. Only 25 years old and I'm the one who finished life. I was crying so hard at all of these thoughts. I wish I was on her place.

''I'm so sorry. I'm to blame for everything. I deserved to die, not you. I'm so sorry.'' I cried as I touched her grave. Ground was still wet and fresh. She looks so lively on the photo, making me feel more guilty.

I suddenly got yanked off from the ground. I was met with dark brown eyes like the fire burned in them. I was scared of him.

''How dare you touch her grave?'' He shouted squeezing my arm.
''I w-wanted to a-apologize to her.'' I sobbed.
''You killed her now you want to apologize. You should have died on her place.''
''Don't you think I know that?'' I snapped.

''Do you think I didn't want to die in her place? I'm dying from guilt since I found out what I did.'' I screamed at his face. He let go of my arm but still looked at me with that look. He will always blame for what I did and me too.

My breath became hitched as I searched for the inhaler in my purse. I became more frustrated when I couldn't find it and flipped my bag the other way around. Contents fell out and I spotted blue inhaler.

I took few deep breaths from it when I felt myself calming down. I didn't want to look at him and just picked up everything in my purse and brushed past him.

I thanked God that he didn't say anything and walked out of the cemetary. Chloe was sitting on a bench across the cemetary and got up when she saw me.

''Was everything okay?''
''Yeah, let's go.'' I say and started walking. She followed behind me.

Michael's POV

I was so pissed when I saw that girl on Stephanie's grave. She even dared to show up. How is she not ashamed after what happened?

The problem is that when she screamed at me with tears drenching her red cheeks, I felt guilty. Her green eyes were glistening with tears and I saw so many emotions in them.

I was also feeling guilty when I saw her searching for her inhaler like the other time in the hospital. She obviously has asthma and I felt bed that she got asthma attack because of me.

But I shouldn't feel any of these, right? It's her fault that I won't see my beautiful fiancee anymore. I won't get to see her smile anymore. And just because of green eyed girl.

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