Chapter 11

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Sofia's POV

I woke up alone in Chloe's bed. I remembered she told me last night that she has class in the morning. I looked at  the clock on the wall and it was already 9 a.m.

I had class in 10:30 a.m. so I jumped out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom. I opened the door and gasped slightly at the sight.

Michael was in just the towel hanging around his waist and he was shaving.
''Sorry I didn't know you were in here.'' I blushed a bit.
''Never mind. I'm not used to locking the door as I live alone. It's my fault.''

I got inside and put my hair in a messy bun.
''I have class in 10:30 and I totally forgot about it.'' I leaned on a wall watching him as he shaved his face.
''I need to get to work soon too.''

''Can I try?'' I pointed to the razor in his hand.
''Sure. You just need to wash it off after every try.''
''Okay.'' He handed me razor and leaned down to my height.

My hands were a bit shaky when I passed once.
''You can quicken it up.'' He chuckled.
''I'm afraid to cut you.'' I said.
''With how your hands are shaking you will cut me for sure.''

I tried more calmer this time and it was okay. It was like one of those satisfying games. I finished up his whole face. He washed it off and put something after.

''Wow it was really cool. If I was a man, I would shave my face every day.'' I giggled at the thought. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach.

''Thanks. I'll get ready and drive you to college, okay?'' I nodded my head and watched him leave.

I was still in daze while brushing my teeth. I started daydreaming about him when I remembered Stephanie. I can't do that to her. I can't have feelings for her fiancee. It would be unfair and evil to do.

I finished and went in my room. He wasn't in there luckily and I just got dressed quickly. I took my books and got ready for college.

I found him sitting on a table eating toast. There was also another one on the plate on the other side of the table.

I sat down and started eating. I didn't want to look at him when I knew I'll have butterflies. I will try to ignore my feelings as best as I could.

''Ready?'' He asked and took his keys.
I nodded and followed him out of the door. We were driving in a silence and I just muttered bye before going out.

Once I got in a college, I went straight into my class. There were another five minutes left and I watched few students rushing in.

I looked at few girls who were really slender. They wore nice dresses showing off their legs. Just then I actually became self concious. I was fat and all of these girls were proving me right.

Even Micheal told me I'm fat, but I just thought he was teasing me when in reality he is right. I looked at me legs and saw how big they are. I think all of my weight went to the legs as I don't have big stomach.

Professor entered the classroom causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I opened my notebook and started taking notes as he was explaining.


I finished wiith all of my lessons for the day and skipped lunch. I figured out I had too much for breakfast and I should cut some food.

After short walk, I arrived to my apartment. I unlocked it and got inside. I saw Chloe in the kitchen and Michael was helping her cook.

''I'm back.'' I said and took off my shoes.
''Just in time when we finished dinner.''
''What did you make?''
''Pasta with sauce.''
''I'll pass tonight.'' I said and went in my room to change.

I wore sweatpants and loose shirt. Even in sweatpants I look big. I sighed in annoyance and got out. They were eating peacefully. I went to sit on a couch and turned TV on. I was watching some reality show when I felt the couch dip next to me. 

''Why didn't you eat?'' Michael asked me.
''I'm not hungry.'' I shrugged.
''You always eat dinner.''
''I didn't want to, okay?'' I felt bad for snapping at him.

''You said it yourself that I'm fat and you are asking me why I don't want to eat. Like you don't know.''
''I never said that you are fat, but I said that you are thicker. People who have high obesity are fat and you don't fit in that group.'' He explained and kissed my cheek.

''But look at my legs. They are huge.'' I looked at my legs with disappointment.
''I don't think they are huge. They are normal. You are exaggerating.'' He chuckled.

I pouted and laid down on his thigh. He started massaging my scalp which made me sleepy. I continued watching TV until my eyes dropped.

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