chapter 8

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We got to the station, I wasn't looking around , I didn't care about the statement I was asked to write, I didn't bother looking around to see what my new environment was like. I was hearing voices around me but I was too tired to understand or even answer them. I was asked to seat and moments later another man dragged, I didn't ask where he was taking me because I lost my voice.

  "Don't try anything funny" he pushed me into a room and locked the door.
I looked around and burst into tears, this wasn't a room I was wrong, it was a hole. It was so dark that I couldn't see if there was anyone else in the room, it was very queit and empty so I concluded that I was alone. I tried to look for a chair to seat on but even if there was a chair in there, I couldn't find it. "Nooooo" I screamed, "please get me out of here please " the only reply I got was the echo of my voice. I sobbed into my palm until no tears was coming out.

I spent hours with my eyes closed because it was no difference even if my eyes were open.

"No, please get me out of here please" I screamed from sleep. It was only a nightmare, I wanted to tell myself until I opened my eyes again to see that I was alone, in this dark,cold and stinking hole.
" It wasn't a nightmare " I said to myself. I didn't know if it was early in the morning or late at night but one thing I know for sure is that I have spent more than a day in this miserable place. I was really thirsty but even if I screamed till eternity, no one would come for me. I was going to die in this place I concluded.

My stay in that hole was worse because I didn't know what was going on in the outside world, is Ola mad at me? How is he taking his sister's death? Who killed Jameelah? Why was she at my place? Did she intentionally poison herself to make me go through this pain? Does she hate me that much? All this questions were running in my head with no answers. I was stuck in here "get me a knife" I shouted frustrated, I really wish I could find a poison myself, I would take it without thinking twice than continue living like this. My life was indeed a living hell.

I sat down on the floor, wrapped my arms around my body and cried harder.  I was getting dehydrated, I felt the need to take water, I really wanted to cry but there was no tear. "Ya Allah please take my life already" was the only prayer I had in my head.

I heard the sound of key, a door was being opened. It was definitely the door I came in through, I jumped up when the door finally opened, it was too dark and I didn't see who it was but it seemed the person knew my thought because he on a torch light to find me and the he grabbed my arm and dragged me out. I was too weak to walk, I didn't know I was so tired, I felt lifeless and weightless as the man dragged me out of whatever I was in, it seemed like a tunnel. There was a ray of light and I smiled when I finally saw reflection,I never knew how beautiful the sun was, I felt I missed a lot but a part of me wish that man left me there, I was ready to leave the world. I didn't know what awaits me.

We got to another room and he pushed me in again but this time there was reflection from a window and I could see what the room looked like though it was dark too but it was nothing like that hell I was in before,it was empty but there was a chair and table.
The man came back with a plate of food and water, I snatched the cup of water from him and quickly gulped the content down my throat. Who would have thought that I would ever be so much in need of water. I looked at the food, I didn't know if it was rice or cous cous with oil but I devoured it like I haven't eaten in years. I remembered the times I would cook and wouldn't finish it then refrigerate but now, I was worse than a begger. I wasn't living a comfortable live before but I sure prefer that life to this one.

Thank God the place was dark and I couldn't see the mess I have made of the place, because I was urinating and pooing there since they wouldn't let me out. The place sure stinks and I stink myself, I just want to be out of this place

My eyes were teary, I was being locked like a dog, my freedom was taken away from me, my life was stopped within a blink of an eye, I shook my head to stop the tears but they started coming again, I was crying loud that I didn't know I had company

"If you regret so much, why did you do it in the first place" a man in his late thirties asked
"Please help me get out of here" I went on my knees quickly "I hate this place, please"
Oh Fateemah😭

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