Death Do Us Part

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(Cas POV)

'Hey there Castiel you know that all things fall apart,' he had sang in his deep sweet voice, 'it's unavoidable, it happens, cities rise and fall apart but you still hoped.' My eyes teared up as I watched my love sing with such passion and sorrow. 'For years we've hung on to this rope, we've hung till choked.' I closed my eyes and let the wetness side down my face. 'Hey there Castiel I've still got so much left to say, if every little payer I sent to you could erase it all away, I'd send them all. And then you'd never have fall. You'd still have it all." The guitar grew stronger as he sang the chorus. 'Oh, why won't you answer me? No, why won't you answer me? Oh, why won't you answer me? No, why won't you answer me? Please just answer me..' My heart ached as he continued, his voice beginning to shake. 'Cas, it's been now much too long, for me this once, just play along. I need to know if you're going to be okay. Our friends are trying to be strong, but in their faces clear as dawn, that none of them had wanted it this way. Now I know that things are getting rough, yesterdays hope won't be enough. Come morning I will never be the same, and you're to blame.' I could no longer stand it, but I couldn't stop listening. 'Hey there, Castiel, well I'm sure you've heard me calling, you're a thousand miles away, and now I know that you're not listening. Now I see. Once I deigned to call you family... Still I need you like you needed me... Hey there, Castiel, can't you see? You set me free.' I wanted to scream. I wanted to go to him... But I knew I couldn't. I shut off the phone that held the recording of my once friend singing. I let the tears stream... I leaned against the tombstone, that marked the resting place of my once love... That marked the resting place of Dean Winchester. I had heard every single one of his prayers from my prison, making my time in the cage ten times worse... When I'd come back to the bunker... Dean... and Sam... They were dead... I was too late to save them... I buried them... I never got to tell Dean I loved him. Now I visited their graves every day... But only today did I go back to the Men of Letters bunker. It was completely empty, the only forms of life being the spiders hanging in their webs. And sitting in the center of the room, on one lone table, was a phone. Next to it was a paper, that read one word: Cas. I recognized the handwriting as Deans, and smiled at his use of my nickname. I picked up the phone, wondering if it still had battery. So I pressed every button until I found the one that made the screen light up. The first thing I saw was a picture of Dean with a play symbol in the middle. A video. I clicked play, and the video started. It was of Dean, with a guitar, sitting on the hood of his Impala. He was smiling, but it was clearly forced. His green eyes shawn bright, showing worry about what he was going to do.

"Hey Cas..." He said, his voice deep. "So... It's been a while... You've been gone for about eight months, and I've been praying, a lot. But, you're not answering... I mean I know you're probably busy, but," I smiled as he fumbled with his words, "you could at least send a sign or something. Cas, um... I miss you. A lot. And I never did get to say this, but, I love you. As more than just a friend, or a brother. I, actually really love you.." I smiled, finally knowing that he reined my feelings. "Sammy said he's known for a while now... And I never did get to tell you. So I'm recording this, it's, um, a bit cheesey, but it needs to be done." Then he started singing. It was to a song I recognized, Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's. I was confused as to why he needed to do this, but in the first line, I heard my name. He wasn't singing the conventional lyrics, he was singing those of his own creation. His voice was absolutely beautiful, I'd never known he could sing... And of course I figured it out after... After I'd lost him...

No... That can't be it. I am not going to this be the end. I pulled him out once, and I could do it again. And I can save Sam too. But there's only one problem... I'll die. My Grace will burn out. But, it will be worth it. Saving Dean... I would do anything for him. And I can't let Sam stay dead, he's like a brother to me.

So, here I stand. In between the grave of my love, and my brother. And I concentrated. I put in every ounce of my force to break through the boundaries that kept me from them. Then I saw them. Standing. Just standing. Slowly, I walked over to them, and put my hands on their shoulders. And I used the rest of my strength to pull them out.

(Dean POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Sammy lying next to me. I instantly sprang up. "Sam?" I said, shaking him. Nothing. "S-Sammy?" Again, nothing. I checked his pulse, then sighed in relief, thank God. He was alive.

"I... I think Sam may have landed... A little roughly." A strained voice said from behind me. I quickly turned to see Cas leaning against a tree. I stared at him in shock. He smiled. "Hello Dean."

"Cas?" I asked quietly, not believing my eyes. He smiled, and winced. "Cas!" I got up and walked over to him. I kneeled down next to him. "Cas, what happened to you?" He was so pale, and he just generally looked like hell.

"I... I used up the rest of my... Of my Grace to pull you and Sam out..." He said with difficulty. "And now... Now I'm dying. The last of my Grace is leaving me."

I shook my head not believing him. "No, no you are not dying on me Cas, I just got you back, and I'm not losing you again."

He shakily took my hand. "I... I'm so sorry..."

Tears were streaming down my face. "You are such an idiot!" I said, my voice shaking. "Why would you do this?"

"Because... I love you Dean. As more than a just a brother."

I chuckled. "Using my own words against me."

His eyes were beginning to close. "I... I love you Dean." He said.

I held him close. "Hey, hey, you're going to be fine. We're going to get through this." I assured him.

"I love you...."

And I held him in my arms as he died. I cried silently, holding him close. "Oh God no..." I whispered to no one. "Please, please no..."

"Dean?" Sam said groggily as he finally woke up. "Dean, what's going on?" Then he saw me holding Cas, and he went silent. Then he walked over, and checked his pulse. He sighed and looked away, silent tears coursing down his cheeks. "I... I'm sorry Dean."

"He used up the last of his Grace to save us..." I said, my voice cracking.

"Of course he did." He stood up, running his hands through his hair.

I looked down to Cas' face. And for once, he looked at peace.

A/N: Sooooooo..... Yeah. Sorry if that hurt your feels, but it had to be done.

I regret nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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