Chapter 10

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Will POV
At the door stood Nico with a skeletal puppy wound around his legs and chasing it's tail.

"Neeks what have we said about unnecessary raising of the dead?" He said disappointed.

"This wasn't me Will I didn't raise this. It found me after capture the flag. I've also been having lots of godly inference from dad. Talking about a new sibling, she's almost dead I need to find her I can't loose someone else while she's on my conscience" Nico stated leaving him shocked.

"Another child of Hades? How old?"

"16, she's older than me"

"Where is she?"

"Dad's been on her trail but who he sent for her got out of hand yhey took the orders wrong and began hunting to the death. The monster is now back in tartarus but she is still on the brink."

"We need to find her. But we can't leave Wren here at the moment, she's too delicate we can't break the trust already. Don't do anything rash Nico we will find her. Is there anyway you can sense her?"

He shrugged. "I'll work on it and see if Clovis can shed any light on the situation."

"Sounds good try track down the owner of that skelly dog!" He chuckled.

Nico laughed slightly and headed for the Hypnos cabin.

He headed back inside where you were sat up and alert watching him.

"Good morning, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine just a bit sore," she looked down breaking eye contact.

"We've had a bit if a scare Hades has sent a message to Nico and it appears there is another child of Hades out there. They are apparently very sick and we need to find them but I made sure that we won't be leaving until you are fit enough to go around camp like normal."

You nodded, you were shocked and it was all a bit too much for you and it was making you lightheaded. But no matter you trying to hide it he saw right through your façade.

"Woah, woah are you okay?" He moved over and you moved away avoiding contact.

"Okay, it's okay I won't touch you but please lay down I don't know how much of the draught is still in your system." He said looking at you concerned. Reluctantly you laid down and it felt like the world was spinning. You were tired and had godly influence pressing you to sleep so they could contact you. No way were you going to oblige, Hades would just tell Nico and that was game over.

You mumbled to yourself and Will wrote on a neon yellow post it note and stuck it to the board at the end of your bed. It was most likely for Kayla.

"It's the end of my shift so Kayla will be on her way and again if you need anything give me a shout I'll be over asap." He said then walked out of the double doors closing them softly behind himself. You heard him and Kayla talking just outside the double doors and was certain that your name was brought up.

You heard Kayla walk in and you stayed still laying facing the wall hoping the black spots would disappear and the room would stop spinning.

"Hey Wren how you feeling love?" She looked over at you and you made eye contact before looking at the wall. She picked up the yellow post it and read it before crumpling it and pushing it into her pocket.

You didn't answer her and just shifted uncomfortably, you wanted out of the infirmary now but you would have to prove you were feeling better or escape.

"What can I do for you?" She asked and you just shrugged there wasn't much she could do. You had an idea I'd you could get to an area of shadows you could try heal your shoulder, but it was risky.

You were slowly working up your energy again but as of the minute you couldn't feel your toes as they had become shadows. You tried to act normal-ish like your toes were actually existent but it's quite scary not knowing if your legs would also disappear to shadows.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" You shook your head and she went and left a note for other members of the Cabin.

"Come on then let's go get you some breakfast it's time we went to the mess hall" You smiled at her and got up the bed shakily. She moved to help but you got up before and kept your arms tucked out of reach.

<le mess hall>

In the sun your feet came back almost instantaneously. You walked with her to the table and she placed a bowl of cereal in front of you and handed you a spoon. "Eat up love" you picked up the spoon and started akwardly with the bandage that covered your cannula. After breakfast you both started to slowly walk to the infirmary, she was talking about her family at home and how she felt more needed at camp than at home. You were glad she hadn't asked about your family you would tell her in time if you felt comfortable enough to do so.

You left the mess hall and headed back to the infirmary together tired even from such a short walk. On the way back you stumbled over a tree root and without thinking she grabbed you and helped you back up. She closed her eyes and immediately you knew that she knew you were a hades kid. You backed up slightly in hands reach of the shadows.

"Wren? When we're you going to mention-" she opened her eyes and saw how you had retreated with a fearful look in your eyes, "-hey, hey" she lowered her tone.

Here is another chapter keep reading I've got some big plans for this book O_O

Love ya
Newolympus X

A Ray of Darkness ~ Child Of Hades Reader ~ Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now