Chapter 38

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Esme POV
Miami was beautiful. Dre did well and I love him so much for it. We even spent a few days in Arizona with my friends and family. I nearly died when I saw them. Ondre got on really well with my friends and family, which I'm glad about. They were all so happy that I found a boy who is good for me and who actually loves me.

It's been a few weeks since that wild night in the hotel room with Dre. The strange thing is, I've not had my period yet. I just thought my cycle was fucked up so I thought nothing of it.

Everyone was out by the pool, enjoying the sun and I was cuddled next to Ondre. All of a sudden I felt like I needed to be sick. I ran upstairs to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and I started throwing up. Uh oh, this can't be good. I had a feeling I knew the reason for this.

I heard a voice on the other side of the door. I knew it was Ondre. "Esme? Baby are you okay?" He asked. I didn't have the strength to answer him. He came in and sat next to me, rubbing my back. "Oh baby, are you sick?" He asked, kissing my shoulder. I nodded, letting the tears fall. "Do you want to go to bed?" I shook my head. "I'll carry you so you don't have to walk. You'll be more comfy in bed." He said.

He picked me up, bridal style and put me down on his bed. Ondre sat next to me, rubbing my stomach lightly. "Do you want me to stay with you?" I shook my head. "You go back downstairs. I'm going to sleep for a bit." I said quietly. He nodded and kissed my forehead. "If you need anything, ring me. I'll have my phone with me at all times." I nodded. He put a bucket down on the floor next to me in case I needed it. He made sure I fell asleep before he headed downstairs.

Addison POV
We were worried about Esme. She didn't look well. We saw Dre come back outside. "How is she?" Charli asked. "She's stopped being sick for now. I think she has a sickness bug or something." He said, sitting down. "Is she asleep?" Thomas asked. "Yeah. I've left her in my bed to sleep." "I'm going to go check on her." I said.

I walked up to Ondre's room and quietly opened the door. Esme was awake, it looked like she had been crying. "Hey Addi." She said with a slight smile. "Hey." I said closing the door and then sit next to her. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "A bit better." "Ondreaz said you might have a sickness bug." I said. "Well..." "What's wrong?" I asked. "I think I might actually be pregnant." She said. My face dropped. "You're what?!" I yelled a bit too loudly. "I'm not 100% sure but I've not had my period and I'm throwing up." Esme said, rubbing her eyes. "You need to take a test." "I don't have any. Dre won't let me go to the shop, not after throwing up." She said, looking at me. "You want one of us to go, don't you?" She nodded slowly. "Addi please I'm desperate. I need to know." She begged. I sighed. "Okay just because I love you." She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you so much Addi."

I left her to go back to sleep and I went downstairs. "Dixie can I borrow you for a sec?" I yelled, standing at the back door. She came running in. "Get changed now! Quickly. We need to go out." I said, frantically. She looked at me confused. "I'll explain on the way." I told her.

Esme POV
I woke up to some shaking me. I adjusted my eyes and it was Addison and Dixie. "I've got you 4 tests. Sorry I told Dixie." Addison said. "Thank you so much girls. How did you get these without getting noticed?" I asked. "We have our ways. Now go and take the tests before Ondre comes up." Dixie said. I nodded and went to the bathroom.

I was pacing around the room, waiting for the timer to go off. "Esme no matter what that says, we all will be here to support you." Addison said. "No matter what." Dixie smiled. "Thanks girls."

The timer went off and all 3 of us stared at each other. I slowly walked over to the tests and my stomach dropped. 3 out of 4 said positive. I fell to the floor. "It'll be okay Esme." Addison said rubbing my back. "Why don't we book an appointment at the hospital for a scan. Just to make sure." Dixie suggested. I nodded.

I luckily got an appointment for tomorrow lunch time. "Go back to bed, I'll put these in our room so Dre doesn't see them." Addison said. I nodded. "We'll tell Ondre that we will take you out for some fresh air tomorrow." Dixie said. "Thank you girls." They gave me a smile and headed out.

I climbed back into bed and cried myself to sleep. What if Dre doesn't want this baby? What if he ends things with me? I can't lose Ondreaz.

I Want You ~ Ondreaz LopezWhere stories live. Discover now