Imitation is Suicide

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It is true imitation is suicide. Do you want to know why?

When you pretend to be someone you are not, you kill the personality that was once you. You lose yourself and begin to turn into the new person you are trying to be. To try to be something you are not is suicide of the mind, body, and spirit. Why would you want to change in the first place? Why do you want to be like someone else? Do you think that they are better than you are? Of course, someone is going to be better than you are at something, but I guarantee that you are better than him or her at something.  Do not be like everyone else because if you do then you are only killing your very essence. God wants us all to be who he created us to be. We are who we are for a reason. We are all unique and special in our own way. No two people are the same. Each person is different. No one can be who we are and we cannot be anyone who we are not. That is just the way it is. If you do not like who you are then you are not really being you or you are not proud of who and what you are. Yeah you will change over the years because of your surroundings but it will never truly change whom you are deep inside your very being. The world is changing but if you strive to survive then this world will never change your very being. Be strong and be yourself. It is who you are. Believe in yourself. Never change who you are. Stay true to whom you are. Imitation is suicide. Never abandon who you truly are.

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