Chapter 5

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Edited 8/27/18

I am thinking of making a list for everyone on the looks and ages of the people in my story.


Chapter 5

Luna's POV

We reached the lunch room and Carson seemed sacred or worried or something. I paid him no mind and went in to the loud lunch room. As soon as I went in I seen the team at our normal table. Next thing I know I'm over someone shoulder looking at the floor where my backpack is.

I seen Carson pick it up again and then I looked to see who had me. I looked only to see Derek's number on his back and I slapped him.

" What is with you and Ty! Put me down! " I asked and said as he walked to the table.

He laughed and kept walking till we reached the table. He stood me on the lunch table as people watched us. He got in a chair and joined me on the table. I seen Carson who had my backpack over his shoulder as his own was on the floor. I didn't get that but Derek voice pulled me back from thinking. I see everyone in the lunch room was looking at us. I feeling like getting down. Derek but his arm over my shoulders keeping me next to him. I tucked myself into his side as much as I could to hide from the eyes of all the students.

" Now as you all know today is the big game! " He yelled to the lunch room. Everyone cheered.

" If we win this game we will be the top high school football team in the state! " he yelled with a big grin. And the team when crazy.

Everyone cheered and got louder. I even cheered at the fact of being top of our state.

" I'm sure you all are wondering why I have my sister up here with me this time. " He said looking around. This was something even I was wondering.

" As you all know tomorrow is Halloween " He said as some of the kids cheered. I glared at him knowing he was about to tell the school that tomorrow is my birthday.

" Well it happens Luna's 16th birthday is tomorrow also. " He smiled. I also got a few happy birthdays and it made me laugh.

He smiled and turned to me. " Luna, The team and I have talked and we wish to dedicate tonight's game to you as one of your gifts from the team. " He said with a huge grin as everyone cheered and the team when crazy again and smiled at me.

I was shocked. I looked at all of the team. They all moved in front of me now to see the look on my face. I smiled to them.

" So what do you say Manger? You ok with that? " One of the players ask.

" I-I don't know what to say guys. " I said still trying to get it to sink in.

" Thanks would be nice! " I heard Ty yell and everyone in the lunch room laughed.

I laughed before I jumped off the table with out thinking and tackled the team. They acted fast so I would not fall. I end up in Ty's arms and hugged him as the whole team cam up and hugged us into a big group hug. I smiled.

Everyone settled down and we all went to sit down and eat. We were one chair short for our table. I let Carson have my seat even though he didn't want to take my seat. I told him I didn't mind. After Carson sat down Ty, and Derek when to get lunch. I sat in Ty's seat till he got back. Derek was carry one try and Ty had two. I didn't understand till he put one in front of me and smiled.

I got up and let him sit and he pulled me onto his lap and I laughed. He got a burger and fries and got me some pizza. We all sat and ate as we talked. The team was talking to Carson and getting to know him. I would take one of Ty's fries every now and then and he would laugh. He had some of my pizza to so I guess it was even.

When we were done eating I got up to take our trays up but Ty took them from me and took them up. My brother wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled to him and leaned back on him. He wrapped both of his arms around me and had his chin on my shoulder as he talked to the team about the game tonight.

Ty returned and I play kicked him. He laughed and I smiled. I did it again but this time he grabbed my leg and put it in his lap. He grabbed my other lag and put it on his lap also. I was so comfy. I was fighting to stay awake. Ty seen I was getting sleepy and rubbed my leg to relax me. My brother must have seen me getting sleepy to because he started humming to me like he did when we were kids.

We had like 15 to 20 mins till lunch ended so I let myself fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around my brother and went to sleep. I could still hear talking but was to far gone to understand it. I felt a kiss on my head. I moved a little trying to wake to see who it was but I was gone. I just guessed it was Derek.

I heard a bell like sound after when felt like seconds and wished it would just go away. Next thing I know is I feel someone shaking me lightly.

" Wake up Luna. Lunch is over. " I heard a voice.

I grunted. " Already? " I asked with my voice full of sleep.

" Yes already. " Another voice said with a laugh. Ty and Derek.

I had a hard time opening my eyes to look around. I went to stand but seen my legs was still on Ty's lap. I lifted my legs down and Ty helped. Ty was standing next to Derek and I as Derek got up still holding me so I would not fall. Once I got my footing I looked for my backpack. Carson with still standing here with us. I look on his shoulder and once again he has my backpack.

I walked over to Carson to get my backpack. I felt bad. He was like my backpack's bodyguard.

" I am sorry you always end up with my backpack Carson " I said as I walked to him.

He smiled. " It's ok Luna. I will carry it if you like. It's not a problem. " He offered.

" It's ok. I can carry it. " I said just before I tripe over air as I walked to him.

Before I knew it there was a body under me and two pairs of hands pulling me up to my feet. I seen Carson on the floor looking at me with worry in his eyes. I felt even worst.

" I am so so so sorry Carson! I didn't hurt you did I? " I asked him as he jumped up seeing I was ok.

" Yeah yeah yeah. I'm fine. Your ok though right? " He told and asked me has he picked up our backpacks.

" Yes. I am fine. Thank you. " I said as I reached for my backpack

" No I think I will carry it. If you fall again I don't want all these books falling on you to. They are heavy. " He said with a smile.

" I can carry it. I'm fine, Really. " I assured him.

" Luna just let him carry it if he wants. " Derek said.

" Yeah, You are still having them back pains. You should really learn to use a locker, Luna " Ty said backing up Derek and Carson.

I sighed. " Fine. You guys win. Lets just go before we are late and Coach gets mad. " I gave in.


Next chapter is the big game!! I will make the next chapter longer ^^ Thank you to all my reader and fans ^^ I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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