Ch.8: Itachi

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Chapter 8: Itachi

How did it feel like losing someone you cared about the most? Did you feel like your heart shattered into a hundred pieces seeing your loved one die? It felt like nothing could, not even glue, could fix the broken pieces. Seeing them just lying there… motionless made me want to take my frustrations out on something. I wanted to cry, shout, scream, curl up into a ball, and have no one judge me for it.

We all have those days where you want to be left alone just with your thoughts and if anyone disturbed you, you felt like ripping them apart. I felt like ripping the world into two as my eyes gazed them. I couldn’t feel my legs moving; it was if they had a mind of their own. I didn’t realize that I was just watching them with blank eyes. No noise or sound except the fresh rain that was drizzling.

A scream. A scream so powerful that the painful agony could be heard from it. The heartbreak, the defeat, the sorrow… I didn’t even comprehend that the scream… was mine. Why was I screaming? My mind wasn’t grasping information; it was as if it was in the shadows.

At this moment, I would play the video on the side for the feeeelzzz!!^^ TRUST ME! It will make your reading experience SO much better! Trust the author! ;) So pause and grab your headphones if you need to!~~

Mutters of words spilled from my mouth but not properly forming sentences. “No no no…” I whispered as I dropped to my knees, my hands quaking with fear as they reached out to grasp his hands. Holding them instantly brought shivers up my arms from the coldness of them; stone hard, marble cold hands scorched to the bone and blood flowing freely from its tender wounds.

His striking onyx eyes that usually gave a haunting glow were now lifelessly looking at the dark grey skies. They were hollow bottomless pits of darkness. So cold, so unforgettable, so dead…

His soft, warm lips pulled apart slightly revealing his blood covered teeth. Before being so pink and pulled into gentle smirks, were now gone to a shade of deadly purple.

My hands instinctively grasped his cheeks trying to warm them up with my own body heat. “I-Itachi?” I whispered, “Itachi-nii, w-wake up.” A fresh tear dropped from my eye, onto his face and down his own cheeks. Shaking his head more roughly, I turned it face me, “W-wake up, Itachi! Stop pretending you’re dead for kami’s sake!”

My lips quivered as sobs escaped from my mouth making me a blubbering mess. “Itachi! Please get up! P-Please!” I shook his shoulders, “You’re making everyone worry! D-Don’t you think t-that’s enough? H-Haven’t you caused s-so much already?! D-Don’t make y-you think you should stop! Get up!” I screamed. My breath hitched as my eyes shifted to Sasuke’s body lying next to him; I quickly crawled on my knees to him, checking his pulse.

Thump…. Thump…. Thump…

“Sasuke! Get up!” I sobbed, “J-Just get, p-please, f-for me? Hm? D-Don’t you see? Y-You’ve taken  your revenge! Get up, S-Sasuke!” I smacked his cheeks gently a couple of times. “Don’t l-leave me all alone in this world…” I whispered, “C-Come on, p-please wake up.” My body shook with every ounce of pain as I made my way towards Itachi once again. I collapsed on top of his body, laying my forehead on his icy chest. “W-Wake up…” I murmured as the hot tears rolled down my cheeks. It felt as if my face was on fire or I was having a fever. I gently pounded my fist on his chest, right above where his heart lay. I had to do something… anything.

“Why did you leave us?” I cried, “D-Do you h-hate us that much, huh, I-Itachi? D-Did you really think that w-we would be o-okay a-after you left?! ANSWER ME!” I shrieked. No answer.

As my eyes fondly gazed at Itachi, every single second in my life that I had shared with him passed across my mind. The good, the bad, the funny, the sad… all of it. All of my regrets were pouring out of my eyes thinking that I should have spent more time with him; I should have made more memories.

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