Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

Cole POV

Today I didn't even waste any time getting to school. I wanted to thank Kiana for helping me out yesterday. I was the only one to the school as usual. But I had to make sure to see her. One thing I know about her is that  she doesn't smile often, but when she did it was a smile that's worth millions of dollars. It didn't take long until students started to come to school. But they were in their friend groups talking and laughing. "Can't relate to that lifestyle," I thought to myself while looking around.

After a couple of minutes, I noticed her walking with her friend Cassey. And she was dressing like she was about to a runway. Cassey was pretty but Kiana was beautiful.

A few kids waved at the two and they simply did the same back.

Since I was standing by the door to get into the school. It was easier for me to start talking to her. When she was about to pass through the door. "Hey, you Kiana, right?" I said as she was about to pass by me. "Of course she is and who doesn't know that" I said to myself for being stupid. "Yes, that's her," her friend answered. "Yes, it's me," she answered after her friend did.

"Thank you, I mean for standing up for me yesterday," I told her.

" Oh. It wasn't a big deal but you're still welcome," she said back to me.

"So I'm guessing for one day I wasn't in school I tried to replace me Ki," Cassey said, throwing her arm around Kiana's shoulder.

"You know that you are irreplaceable so no I didn't try to," she said to her friend.

Kiana POV

I didn't want to be rude so I will ask him for his name. I mean he knows who I was and we had a few classes together last year. I didn't see the problem of asking him now. "Since we have been having classes together but never actually know your name," I said to him.

"Cole, is my name," he said.

"Well ok Cole, I guess I will continue seeing you around. Said to him.

When I asked him for his name he had this look in his eyes that I couldn't describe but I hope it wasn't a bad one. I guess I should have known who he was because by the mention of his name I know that I heard it around before. Teachers always mention Cole for always having the highest scores on tests and the top student.

We didn't get to say anything more than that because of the bell. Now, all of us were trying to get to class.

I had to tell Cassey goodbye since we didn't have the first two periods together. I make my way to the girls bathroom before going to check my hair. I checked myself in the mirror and there wasn't anything wrong. I got out of the bathroom and made my way to class by the way, it was almost full but I noticed Cole was in this class as well. So I went and took a seat close to him.

Even though this class history AP the teacher was talking about we will be having many projects for this class. She went on teaching about the subject for today. "Since we have about fifteen minutes left for class you should pick your partner now for the project for this week. And please pick someone that will do the work because if anything happens you both will pay for the consequences," she told the whole class.

"Before I forget anything else, the project will be about the Cold War because I expect everyone in here to know this already," she said while everyone was trying to find someone that will be able to help them survive.

"Kiana, would you mind if we work on this together," Cole turned to me and asked.

"I won't mind," I told him. I didn't mind working with him since I already know he would be doing his part of the work.

"Okay," Cole said then went back to what he was doing.

After a few minutes, I tapped Cole shoulder to let him know that he could come to my house to start on the project. He was ok with it but I could see that he wasn't fully confident with all of that way happening in just one day. I mean I understand where he was coming from because he was a shy guy. He was shy but he was cute.

Did I just think that he was cute. I mean he was cute and hell of smart too. All he did it was confident.

My mother alway told me that confidence was key. So I pretty much live my life by it.

Now, the first period is over. I also had the second period with Cole which was Science. There wasn't anything that happened in science. The teacher was boring, we did some work and that was all.

Cole POV

It was nice having classes with Kiana even though we didn't talk but we did talk today. I guess I will have to go to her house to start the project. She told me to meet her in the pricking lot after school.

As I was making my way to class I met with Xavier. I know he wouldn't go by without seeing me and mess up with me.

"Hey, freak," he said.

It wasn't too long until his two friends decided to join him. They started saying some pretty mean stuff. "Freak, why are you still here," one of Xavier's friends said. The bell was about to ring. So he did what he felt was best. He punched me under my right eye.

They started laughing and ran to their class.

Kiana POV

The last to period didn't even feel like a classroom.Cassey was just there talking well we were doing our work. She told me about her dad's birthday that was coming up and how she was planning on surprising him. Cassey was a daddy's girl. She loved her dad and he loved her.

One hour later

Now school is over for today. Cassey had to go to plan the party for her dad, so now I was making my way to the parking lot to Cole so we can go and get started with the project.

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