Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Cole and Kiana spent the whole time working on their project. Kiana didn't try to start anything conversation with him. She was upset when he told her to not worry about him. A part of her did care about him. But she didn't know how much she cared for him. All she knew was that she cared about him. She did want him to know that, but she didn't know how to tell him. She is hoping for him to notice it based on how she feels.

Since Cole spent his afternoon with Kiana I wanted to ask her if she wanted to eat something at least drink. "Kiana do you want to anything to eat or at least drink, " Cole tried to ask while he was hoping she would say yes. He knew that he was being kind of hard on her, but he couldn't help himself. She made him feel all sorts of feelings that he never had before.

Kiana was hungry and wanted to get home as soon as possible to eat something because she only had a little bit of her lunch today.

"Why did he care anyway, " she thought to herself. She didn't want to ask him that because she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

She was hungry. So she is going to do what any hungry person would have done.

"Yes, I am actually. How about you make me something?" Kiana to him. She was trying to make him work for pissing her off earlier. But Cole was more than happy to make her something to eat. He plans on making her something that wouldn't take more than an hour not because he wanted her to go home soon. He wanted her to spend more time with her, but he wanted to go home to rest because they were working hard on the work they had to do.

Cole still had his headache but it wasn't as bad as it was. He didn't have to think twice about making something for Kiana. As long it would make her smile.

"Let's go downstairs and I will find something to make you, " Cole told Kiana.

Kiana wanted to ask him if he knew how to cook, but she thought it would be a stupid question. Why would he offer to cook when he didn't know how to? And that's why she thought asking him was unnecessary.

"How do you feel about spaghetti?" Cole asked her. He didn't mind making that because it would not take him an hour to make it.

"I don't have any problem with it. In fact, I like spaghetti and it used to be my favorite when I was little, " she opened up to him even when she didn't have to but for some reason she did. And she didn't mind it. "Okay, " Cole simply said, but he was happy about her opening up about liking it.

He may not show it, but he was glad to learn something new about her.

Right now they were in the kitchen, Kiana was seated at the dining room table while he was preparing the spaghetti. Even though Cole has made spaghetti multiple times, but he was making this one while paying more attention than he normally would. He was working in the kitchen and Kiana was on her phone probably texting back people that texted her since she didn't touch her phone while we were working together. It didn't take too long for him to be done.

Kiana had to text her mom and Cassey back. Without her knowing Cole was already done and now he was just putting her food on plates for her

After he was done, he called her, but she didn't hear him. Cole made his way to the dining room. Ki, I have been calling your name. "I think we should have our food in the kitchen to make it easier to clean up, " Cole told Kiana to come to the kitchen instead while he was standing in the doorway.

"Ok." she said making her way to the kitchen without waiting for him to say anything else. To her surprise, before she entered the kitchen, she could already smell the food. And it was good.

"Cole, the smell of the food tells me to hurry up to eat it, " she told him. Cole was happy for the fact that she hasn't even tasted the food, but was complementing the food.

Cole liked to cook sometimes. Especially when he wanted to do it. He learned to cook from a young age. After his parent's marriage went downhill he pretty much learned all of the skills that he knew he would need in life.

Kiana and him take their seats at the kitchen table. She said grace while Cole was looking at her kind of surprise, but it didn't stop her from doing it. After she was done, she tasted the food and was surprised at how good it was.

"How did you learn to cook?"

"Well, I pretty much learned while watching people doing, " Cole answered her.

"Oh. You can be full of surprises. By the way, men who can cook somehow impress me, " Kiana.

"Oh. Good to know."

Cole wasn't bothered with what she said, but he somehow had mixed feelings about it because she sometimes would say stuff that would get his hopes up. But he couldn't stop himself from thinking that a girl like Kiana probably would never think of him that way.

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