25.something Inspired By 11th Image On Your Phone📱

31 8 3

Bismillah ❣️

Just look at it👇

(its a cropped part of 11th image of my phone)

As you see.. Its screenshot of my work.. My job.. My school..

Actually its an urgent work.. Which we teachers need to do immediately.. So i do it with all my heart because i miss my students.. So while doing it i read n re read their names.. N their faces come in front of my eyes.. N yes i miss them badly..

So.. This image inspires me to stand on feets for my students.. For my work 24*7..n told me in this lockdown n at this time of pandemic your work come first.. N u have to do it sincerely.. Properly n wholeheartedly..

With lots of love
The teacher
Iqraf 💞

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