Nothing really has changed...

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They can't keep their hands off of each other for the entire journey to Japan.

It wasn't even amorous, Han Taejoo just couldn't help himself from clutching and brushing every part of Kang Gook that he could get a hold of. A tight grip on his bicep, a soft nudge of his hip against the other's, fingertips dancing across each other like whispers as they make their way through airport security and finally arrive in Tokyo.

On the flight over they had mostly spent the time enthusiastically telling each other all about the 3 years they had missed (well, Taejoo was enthusiastic, Gook remained calm and patient as he listened to Taejoo complain about the weather and food of England at top speed, a unabashedly fond smile on his face). Gook admitted that he'd never really stopped thinking about Taejoo in that entire time, and Taejoo agreed, both blushing as if they were still those young, naïve school kids.

And with Gook at his side, as they wondered the bustling streets of Tokyo in a comfortable silence, Taejoo suddenly felt so much that nothing really had changed since then. The short aeroplane journey had made both them incredibly tired, along with the fact the adrenaline of being reunited with the love of your life and decided to skip any kind of sightseeing for the day in favour of sleep.

They found the hotel that Gook had booked after about 10 minutes, and if the hotel clerk gave them an odd look when they said they'd be staying in a room with just one bed, they didn't notice since they were too wrapped up with grinning at each other.

Walking into the hotel room, Taejoo collapsed ungainly onto the bed with a loud sigh. Gook followed behind with his suitcase, which he rolled neatly next to the far side wardrobe. His thumbs precisely undid his jacket buttons as he shook himself out of the offending piece of clothing, before folding it over a rickety chair that stood in the corner.

Taejoo watched Gook's movements intently from his position on the bed, a smile threatening to tug at the corners of his mouth.

He was once again struck that Gook really hadn't changed at all in all those three years... Of course, he had gotten slightly taller, and the lines of his face seemed to have become more mature and impossibly more handsome. But the small mannerisms Taejoo remembered so clearly were still plain to see. The gentle but firm nature of his hands, careful in their grip (now on the various items spilling from his suitcase, being pulled into neat piles ready to be packed away) and Taejoo couldn't help but flash to a few hours earlier when those hands had cupped his face and...

He turned away from staring and sighed again, loudly, and saw through his peripherals that Gook had looked up.

'What's wrong?' He then asked, returning his gaze to his task.

'I'm tired' Taejoo half whined, curling onto his side so he could watch Gook more easily.

The other man just smiled, sparing Taejoo a small glance, before looking down again.

'We'll sleep soon, just let me unpack for a bit?'

Taejoo sighed again at that, and then another sigh, and then another and then...

It was Gook's turn to sigh, followed by him finally getting up and crossing the room to where the bed was. He looked down at where Taejoo was pathetically pouting and, with a slight roll of his eyes, sat down next to him.

Taejoo glanced up at the other's side profile from his low position on the bed, before he pulled himself up, so he was half leaning on the other man.

'You haven't changed a bit' Gook muttered, glancing round with some difficultly so he could mockingly glare at where Taejoo was half nuzzling into his neck.

Nothing really has changed...Where stories live. Discover now