part twenty

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"hello?" riley tiredly answered her phone, it was a number that she didn't recognize but picked it up anyway

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"hello?" riley tiredly answered her phone, it was a number that she didn't recognize but picked it up anyway.

the girl was still at midsummers although it was nearly midnight at that point. her parents went home almost immediately after the scene kiara and her friend's had caused. not wanting to deal with their wrath once they arrived home, riley told her parents she would stay at the party for a little longer and find a ride home.

"ri-riley," kiara breathed out on the other line.

"holy shit," riley sputtered out. "you are so dead. mom and dad are gonna kill you. who's phone are you calling me on? where are you?"

"i-i-," kiara stammered over her words, unable to speak. "i need you to come pick me up at the hospital."

"the hospital?!" riley practically yelled before realizing she was beginning to receive stares from the people surrounding her. riley stepped to a more secluded space before speaking again. "are you okay? holy shit what happened?"

"y-yeah i'm fine. it's john b," kiara mumbled over the line. "can you please just come now? i'll explain when you get here."

"yeah of course i'll be there in 20," riley said before hanging up the phone. the girl glanced around the area before her eyes landed on just the person she was looking for. "kelce!" she called out to the boy, grabbing his attention away from the conversation he was in.

"hey ril-"

"did you drive yourself here?" riley asked, breathlessly.

"uh yeah, wh-" kelce began to speak only to be cut off again.

"i need to borrow your car," riley said.

"what?" kelce looked at the girl like she was crazy.

"please it's an emergency," riley pleaded. "i promise i'll bring it back to your house tomorrow."

kelce didn't ask any more questions before reaching his hand into his pocket and pulling out a set of keys. "crash it and i'll kill you."

"thank you! thank you! thank you!" riley rushed to say before snatching the dangling keys out of the boy's fingers and running off to the parking lot. she drove away unnoticed and made her way to the hospital at a speed that could most definitely get her a ticket.

once she made it inside the large building, which even at this hour was busy and full of people, riley was directed to a waiting room where she hoped kiara would be. rounding the corner she saw her twin sitting in a chair, wiping at her eyes and chewing on her lip.

once kiara spotted riley she quickly stood up and ran over to her. riley opened her arms as she noticed her sister's teary eyes and the paleness that overtook her complexion. although the girl's rarely showed each other any kind of affection, a hug at that moment felt like it was needed.

riley rested her chin on kiara's shoulder as they embraced each other. now with a view of the rest of the waiting room, riley's attention was brought to the blonde boy sitting in a chair next to the one that kiara had just abandoned.

jj was biting on his nail and his cheeks were flushed as he looked at the sister's hugging. once jj's eyes met riley's he quickly looked down to his feet, running a hand through his hair.

"what happened to john b?" riley asked he twin once the two pulled away from each other.

"he was pushed off the hawk's nest," kiara muttered.

"pushed off of-" riley faltered. "jesus christ! and he's okay?"

"the doctor's said just a broken arm and a minor concussion," kiara weakly replied. "a damn miracle."

"wait..." riley began, "who pushed him?"

"topper," kiara grimly stated.

"top-" riley's jaw fell open at the accusation against her friend. "topper would never do something like that."

"well he did," kiara snapped. "and if that doesn't get through your thick skull and prove to you that those kooks are awful people i don't know-"

"sarah?" riley's attention was caught by a familiar blonde girl walking behind her sister.

"riley?" sarah called out. once she realized that it was in fact her best friend, she ran up to the girl enveloping her in a hug.

"what are you.. what are you doing here?" riley asked the girl puzzled.


"-cheated on topper with john b," kiara finished for sarah, narrowing her eyes at the girl. riley looked between the two with a shocked expression playing on her features.

"what?" riley whispered, looking at sarah.

the blonde paused, taking a breathe. "i don't want to talk about it right now-"

kiara scoffed, "of course you don't."

"kiara," riley warned her sister.

"can we talk tomorrow?" sarah quietly asked her friend, in which riley nodded and gave her one last hug before the girl went away.

"holy shit," riley mumbled to herself. "do you want to go home now?"

kie nodded, "let me just go check outside john b's room one more time. maybe they'll finally let me in."

"okay," riley watched as her sister walked away. her eyes fell on the blonde again who coincidentally was also already looking at her. he stood up from his chair and walked over to the brunette, where she offered him a small smile.

"how are you doing?" she quietly asked him.

"i'm okay," he muttered, letting his gaze fall down to the floor.

"did topper hurt you too?"

"what?" he said, snapping his head up to meet the girl's concerned eyes.

"your face," riley said, bringing a hand up to the boy's cheek. she gently rubbed a thumb over one of the bruises that laid upon his cheek. "did topper do this?"

"oh, uh no... i uh... well i-" jj stammered over his words, unsure of what to say to the girl.

"are you ready?" kiara's voice suddenly came from behind the two, making the boy sigh in relief. "jj, you're coming home with us."

unlike her sister, kie knew where jj's bruises had come from and she wasn't about to let him go home.

"kiara-" jj grumbled.

"no arguing," the girl warned. she turned to riley who just silently looked between the two before leading the way out to the car.

"who's car is this?" kiara asked once they had all climbed in.

"kelce's," riley muttered. kiara scoffed but the girl just ignored it. "mom and dad are going to literally murder you when they see you. how do you expect to get jj in the house?"

"well we'll just have to figure that out when we get there," kie gritted before pulling her seatbelt across her torso. riley just sighed before starting up the car and driving off. it was nearly one in the morning but she had a gut feeling that there was much more to come.

authors note:

y'all aint ready for the next chapter.

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