Chapter 28

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I was soaring through the trees, but I felt this pounding in my head. My back was aching and I keep coughing up blood from time to time, but I can't stop.

I let out a dry chuckle and spit out some blood, thinking of the memories when I found the village.

I entered this village a few months ago, scared, bruised and traumatized. With what I've witnessed, I thought that happiness was out of my reach. Out of my grasp.

But then I met Gramps.

He showed me that even though it feels like you've lost everything, you need to get up, keep fighting and keep on going.

People say that life is a curse, but still we find reasons to stay alive. To keep fighting.

And I have found my reason to keep fighting. My friends, my teachers.

My mother and father.

This village, Konoha, that I now can call home.

I have something to fight for, something to live for. That's why I can't risk to lose myself anymore. To let hate consume my thoughts and give that thing inside me a chance to take over.

Jowi's p.o.v

The gennin stopped, and rested a bit on a branch. She scanned her surroundings and saw nothing but a bunch of other trees. She then thought about last night, how she almost slipped away and that thing took over her body. She still doesn't exactly know how she suddenly regained her strength again, all she remembers is that she had the crown with her. She recognized the same green glowing chakra she saw that day at the training grounds.

The girl sat down on the thick branch and held her head in her hands, trying to catch her breath. She is tired and she is in pain. She grabbed some water from her pouch and drank some of it, tasting the mixture of blood and water. Her faced scrunched up in disgust as she swallowed the liquid. She then got on her feet again, feeling a bit better. She then took a food pill out of her pouch, one that Sakura made and tossed it in her mouth.

Her whole face cringed of the bitterness of the pill, but swallowed it nonetheless.

"Is she trying to energize or kill people with these pills?" She asked herself.

She got down from the tree and started running on the ground, continuing the mission.

Tsunade's p.o.v

I was in my office, reading some documents about a certain SSS-ranked group. As I scan the papers in my hand, my thoughts wander of, thinking about the others I send out on the mission.

I lean in my chair, and I turn around and face the village through my window.

"If we don't get Sasuke back, this situation can get out of hand." I said to myself.

I think about him and the curse mark that Orochimaru gave him.

"What is that snake up to?" I said while furrowing my brows.


(Y/N) also has that mark. I found out about it that day I saw her at the training grounds. When she was with a crown. What was she doing with a crown?

"Lady Tsunade!"

One of the chunin's came busting into my office, out of breath. I stand up and rush towards him, grabbing his shoulders.

"Calm down, what's going on." I ask him.

"It's the others! They're back!" He said while pointing at a certain direction, his eyes filled with terror.

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