Chapter 1

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          Baby, get up. You need to get up, My mother whispered, GET UP NOW!

          I gasped and flung myself out of bed. I was panting, sweat dripping down my back. My eyes were still adjusting to the dark when I saw them. Two dark figures moving back and forth in the shadows. I seethed. Why were they here?

          "Show yourself, cowards," I gritted my teeth and held my necklace.

          They two figures went away in a plume of smoke, and I sighed. They never wanted to show. I walked out of my room and down the hall, to my therapist's office. I knocked on the door and waited. Sure enough, Dr. Jackson was up. He opened the door and smiled, "Up early? I'm guessing you saw some more demons am I right?"

          I glared, "Why do you always say I see them because of my parents!? It's not true! They're real. How many times do I have to remind you!?" I pushed past him and plopped down in my personal bean bag, by the window. I glanced outside and sighed. No one ever believed me...

          "Okay now, just do what I always tell you to do. Breath, hold, let go, hold."

          "No! I don't want to do your stupid exercises! They don't help! Even though no one believes me, even though they are real, so why do I do these retarded exercises, huh!?" I glared at him. He always knew just how to get me to open up, to tell him exactly how I felt, without even trying.

          Jackson only smiled, "Why do you only smile when I get angry!?" This only made him smile wider, "STOP SMILING!" A hot wave blasted from my torso and knocked a thing or two off of Dr. Jackson's desk. My eyes had been shut tight, but small blue sparks were floating around me when I opened them again. He stopped smiling now and looked a bit scared. I instantly regretted raising my voice, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Dr. Jackson. I don't know what happened... I feel... different today..."

           He started rummaging through his desk until he found a scroll. He opened it and sighed, "May you leave me for a moment, Ember?"

          I panicked. Had I even upset Dr. Jackson? "Sir, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. Please don't kick me out. I won't raise my voice again, I promise!"

          "It's not you, Ember. I need to get some work done that I've been putting off. I promise you, I'm not mad. But please, do be going. Get some breakfast or coffee while you're out."

          "O-oh, okay," a sigh of relief. I stood up and walked to the door. As I turn the handle, I hear Dr. Jackson mutter something under his breath. I thought maybe it was something he was reading, but after I closed the door, I stayed there for a second, my ear pressed against it.

           "Nisi referat igne. Custodi ea in igne. Signa igni incantatum, Signa igni incantatum, Signa igni incantatumSigna-" Dr. Jackson's chanting was cut short by a loud boom, and deadly silence.

        I panicked and ran down the hall and went into my room. Throwing some jeans and a loose shirt on, I fished in my bed for my phone and headphones and grabbed then. I threw them in my back-pack along with some chips and 3 waters. I put an extra pair of clothes in as well, and a hairbrush. I ran to my bathroom and took my travel wash too. I considered grabbing my pills but sided against it. I barely took them anyway. They didn't help me at all.

          I ducked under my bed grasped for my ray gun. When my hand met the butt, I yanked it away from the duck tap and put it in my holder. I was glad Mrs. Kelsy had taught me how to use one. Her combat training would help me. Or, it will if I run into some jackass's who only use woman as tools. God, if I could obliterate all those fucking dicks, I would.

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