chapter two

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"Shot they saw me"

"U-um m-my-" I started shaking.
Avila was behind diantha.

"Come on little one say your name." Diantha said looking down at Avila smiling brightly. They had a bet every time she stubbed or acted shy she has to buy the champion something.

"My name is Avila, Avila [l/n]," she said going out from diantha protection.

I'm not buying her more clothes. She has like twenty of the same clothes .the same pair.

"Wow is that a shiny ralts it's so cool." Raihan said.

"That not all." I said taking my other pokeball. "Let's go eevee and you two riolu!"
"Eeve." Eevee said happily

"Ri ri." Riolu said running to ralts

"Wow an eevee and a riolu ." Sonia said running up to Avila.

"What are you're of the 8 eeveelushins t to?" Leon asked

"What do you mean 7 aren't there only 2 espeon and umbreon?" Avila asked tilting her head. To this the group started laughing.

"No there's 8, fire, water, grass, electric, ice, fairy,dark,and psychic." Diantha said counting on her fingers.

"So much choices HOW IM GOTING TO DECIDE!?" Avila yells/winnds back at her.

"You dont have to decide now ,here" diantha said looking in her bag.
-diantha gave Avila a ever stone -

"An ever stone stops a pokemon from evolving so you have all the time you what to decide" she continues

That was the day Avila met leon and raihan along with sonia. But because of the short period they weren't the best of friends but this didn't stop the two of them having a crush on a specific person.

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