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~LGBTQ+ Awareness~


"You know. I am not gonna stand up here and say that I don't believe in God. I do. I believe there is someone up there. But, I don't believe the modified versions that society says are God's Words. You say that God sees all of his children equally. I believe that is true. But, then you go and tell your kids that being gay or liking the same gender or wanting to change your body to match the inside makes God unsatisfied. What kind of message is that teaching your kids? Saying that God loves all of his children equally, except the ones who just want to be themselves. Now I don't wanna get into religion, because I know that some of you do not believe in God. I respect your beliefs and I respect you for listening to my beliefs. but, treating someone differently because of who they love is a big sin. God does love his children equally, so you treating his child differently because they are not the same as you, and don't fit in the standards on what you believe. That is the problem in today's world. That is what needs to be changed. That is what we need to teach this new generation of children. That who you are is okay, as long as you are happy. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough. As a lesbian myself, I get shamed on the streets. Every day. People call me a dyke, to my face. And spit on me. I have been pushed to the ground, and beaten until I was black and blue. But, hey. I am here today. And as happy as I could be. I am myself, and I can finally embrace that. So, don't be that person, that ruins someone else's day because they aren't what you think is picture perfect. Because we all make mistakes. But, you aren't a sinner for being straight. So why are we sinners for doing the same thing as you? Loving who we want to love. Being who we want to be. Thank you."

There are applauds all over the arena.

I head off stage & walk back to my little office where I am greeted by my daughter Callie.



She hugs me tightly.

I kiss her forehead.

"How was your day sweetie?"

"It was pretty good. Jill and I made chocolate chip cookies! But, I really missed you."

She hugs me again.

"I missed you too Callie."

It breaks my heart to see her like this.

I pick her up.

"But, I bet you loved those cookies didn't you."

"Yes mommy! Jill even let me bring the last two home. I thought we could share."

I smile & kiss her cheek.

"Yeah. Let's do that."

I look over at Robert, he looks annoyed.

He hands me her bag.

"Thank you."

"Mhmm. So, listen Stef."

"Yes Robert."

"Can you get your sister to take Callie somewhere?"

I look at him suspiciously. He looks a bit sincere, but you never know with his lousy ass.


She is basically my twin. If only I had brown hair with more freckles and a less abstract bone structure.

"Yes, Stef?"

"Can you take Callie?"

"No mommy I wanna stay with you!"

She hugs onto me.

I kiss her forehead.

"Don't worry Callie. I will be out there in a minute & then we will go get ice cream okay?"

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