Chapter 2

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"Crucio, Clay. You were crucioed."

Clay threw down George's wrist. He crossed his arms.

"You need to tell someone, you know."


"Shush, Clay! You really want to tell this to the world?"

Clay looked up to see many pairs of eyes locked on him. He took one last hateful glare at George and spat,

"You better not tell this to anyone."

With that he stormed off to the castle.

George rubbed his wrist, which was getting red from Clay's rough handling. Sighing in defeat, he trudged up the castle.


Clay couldn't believe it. Of all the people that could have sat with him on the train, it had to be someone with the Gift. If that boy told anyone about what he was going through, he would murder him with his bare hands.

TW // Verbal and Slight Physical Abuse, Alcoholism, Panic Attack

"I'll murder you with my own bare hands for killing my wife! Couldn't you have just stayed at Hogwarts for the summer?!"

"I can't do that, Dad, they don't allo-"

Clay's father grabbed his face and pulled it closer to his. Clay could feel the alcohol laden breath on his face. He grimaced and tried to wrench free from his father's grasp.

"I don't give two fucks if they don't allow it. You are NOT coming back this summer. If you have to sleep on the roads, so be it. GET OUT!"

Clay ran back to his room and spelled the door shut. He walked over to his rescued tawny owl, Patches.

"Go find food for both of us, Patches. I'm can't go out to the fridge today."

Patches hooted indignantly.

"I'm sorry, Patches, but I've run out of galleons to buy takeout from the Leaky Cauldron. This year I'll be applying for a job at Hogsmeade, so maybe then I'll be able to afford treats for you. But in the meantime, could you find something in the dustbins? Maybe a half eaten burger or bun."

Patches flew off into the distance. Seeing as his only companion went to salvage food from the bins, he was filled with a sense of loneliness.

"God, eating food from the dustbins..."

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. It didn't feel that bad to Clay. But the realisation hit him like a truck. He was actually eating unwanted food. Trash food. Trash, like him.

The floodgates opened.

He was curled up in the fetal position, feeling the hot tears stain his cheeks. Wait, that didn't happen at home-

"Clay? Clay!"


He wasn't at the house. He was on the ground. At Hogwarts.

And a certain brunette was looking at him, his brows knitted together.

"You just crumpled onto the floor. Come, let's get you to the school healer, whoever they are."

George extended his hand to pull Clay up. Clay could see the raw part of his wrist where he grasped earlier.

"I did this to you?"

George flustered, pulling his sleeve down.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's get you inside first, and we can talk later."

He took George's hand and heaved himself off the ground. His robes were dirty from lying on the floor. He made a feeble attempt at dusting them off, but to no avail.

"You're still holding my hand, Clay."

Surprised, he quickly let go. Walking with George to the castle, an awkward silence fell between them. After all, what can you say to a boy who you physically injured but yet helped you in your most vulnerable time? Who knows your darkest secret?

George on another hand had a different reason for not striking conversation. If it hadn't been so dark, Clay would be able to see the light pink dusting his cheeks. Yes, he's felt that way about boys before, but certainly not a boy he just met hours ago.

He's just a friend. Hell, he's probably not your friend after what happened just now.

He tried to deal with it, but his mind kept turning back to his rough, calloused hand, how it felt so comfortable to hold…

Oh my god, you're doing it again George.

They reached the castle. A short man in a suit and tie crossed his arms.

"I've been waiting for you two! Names?"

"George and Clay." George stated.

A quill rose into the air and struck off their names on a long scroll of parchment.

"Go in. I think if you walk quickly you may be able catch the sorting."

They walked to the entrance of the Great Hall.

"I trust you know how to make your way to the infirmary?"

"Yeah. Oh, and I would like to apologise for hurting you just now. I didn't mean it, and I'm sorry."

George scratched the back of his head and laughed.

"Don't sweat. It's fine."

"Don't… sweat?"

"Muggle expression. See you tomorrow, I guess."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Hope you join Slytherin."

With that, both boys parted ways.

830 Words

Requests at the Heart

Clay won't be a hot tempered dickhead forever, I promise!

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