Chapter 3

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George walked through the back door of the Great Hall. He prayed that his cheeks were not so red anymore.

"Hey, George!"

George saw Nick trying to get his attention and decided to go with him. The Ravenclaw table hesitantly made space for him, as they were not used to having people from other houses, or in this case someone without a house, sitting with them. George sat down and a plate and cutlery appeared on the table.

"Where's Clay? I thought he was with you?" Nick pointed out.

"Uh... he fell down and is in the infirmary."

That was a half truth. Clay did end up on the ground and was currently in the infirmary.

"Infirmary? You mean Hospital Wing."

"Yeah, that."

"What did he want to talk about? No offense, but you just showed up this afternoon on the train and suddenly he wants to talk to you alone."

"He... uh... asked if his great grandmother was related to me because she had the Gift too."

"Why would he ask you that in private?"

"No idea."

The rest of dinner passed in silence. Not awkward silence, because the boys barely knew each other, but silence.

Headmistress McGonnagal said a few words about how everything from Weasley's Wizards Wheezes were banned and how the forbidden forest was still forbidden. With that, she dismissed the students.

Nick rose from his seat.

"I have to go lead the first years to the common room, so I'll go off first."

George didn't know how to respond.

Nick went to the first years, herding them away.

Now that was awkward.

George was left in the quickly emptying Great Hall, unsure where to go. The same short man saw him and beckoned him to go over to him. George complied.

"You must be Mr. Found?"

The man asked when George reached him. George was acutely aware on the height difference between them.

"Yes, Mr..."

"Professor Flitwick."

The man, whom he now knew as Professor Flitwick corrected.

"Yes, Professor Flitwick."

"Very well. I shall take you to the Headmistress's office."

The petite man led George through a myriad of passageways only to emerge at a pair of stone gargoyles gracing a large wooden door.


The wooden door swung open.

"The password is gargoyle? That's just sad." George thought.

"I think it is a terrible password too, but do not tell the Headmistress that."

George flushed red for the second time that day.

They went up a spiral of stone steps, entering a room with many silver instruments. A woman sat behind a large wooden table. She had many wrinkles and her hair was tied into a neat bun.

"Good evening Mr. Found. Please take a seat." she said.

Professor Flitwick gave a little bow and left the room.

Headmistress McGonnagal went over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a tattered hat.

"Just place this on your head."

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