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[11: 03 pm]

He ruffled his hair as he saw the time.. "Oh- its already 11 o'clock?" he said as his eyes widened. He stretch out his arms to resets his system. " I want to go home now..but i really need to finish this.." he muttered to himself as he scratched the back of his head staring at the progress he made. He then cupped his face staring at his phone that was beside his monitor. He then reached for it and opened the call log and looked at his calls. 

" No calls from her too.. " he continued to mutter to himself as he saw that he didn't have any missed calls. Hoseok always waits for your calls and messages; while you would think of it as a distraction to what he's possibly doing. 

You would typically send him a snap; either message or video call him, making sure he's doing alright and check up on him. He wondered and thought of many reasons why you didn't call him this day. He also couldn't comprehend if he's feeling worried or just curious. Due to this, he let out a huge sigh. "*sighs*...why hasn't she called me??" he said as he skimmed through all the possible apps you would've messaged. [11: 10pm]


[10:47 pm]

You decided to 'surprise visit' Hoseok, you just got promoted today at work and you wanted to celebrate it with him so you thought of having dinner with him in the studio. You bought chicken and beer; extra chicken boxes for the members too...You rode a bus to BigHit HQ.

 You struggled at the weight of the bags as you walked ; carrying them with you. "UGHH..why cant these bags just walk themselves-- ew it would be weird if they did right?" you said frustrated as you laugh at your self and struggled to carry them. 

You arrived at the entrance, exhausted. You got stopped by a guard, telling you to not enter if you dont have an I.D; that when you realized you weren't wearing your Guest pass I.D Hoseok gave...

A close friend / Bighit staff member recognized you while she was passing by, she approached the scene and pat the guards shoulder, " She's a VIP Guest..." She said. "I need to see the I.D first" said the guard. 

"Wait..Hold my chicken" you passed the bags of chicken take-out to your friend, you took out your I.D from your bag and Brought it close to the guards face. " so...can i go now?" you asked politely; raising an eyebrow to the guard. The guard immediately apologized and went back to his position. "He didn't even gave me time to show him the I.D,...pfft--" You said as you wore the I.D, you two gave a laugh instead of complaining over what happened a few seconds ago.

 " Anyway, what brings you here? having large amount of chicken? " she asked as her eyes landed on what she was carrying.  " I just got promoted as head manager of department at work so-- I'm planning to celebrate it with Hoseok." You proudly said as you followed her. She congratulated you " --then that means you're going to be more busy right?" she asked. "yeah..i think so--but i can boss around those who bossed around me before so...i think its also an advantage..." you said, making her laugh as you two rode the lift to where the studios where located. " well..i guess TO HOSEOK IT IS..." she laughed." yes please.." you replied with a smile as she pressed a button. 

You told her to give the rest of the bag chicken and bag of beer to the members and bid goodbye  As you arrived at the floor.  She told you where Hoseok's studio was --"its nice to catch up with you." after she bid her farewell. "to you too..." you replied and go to separate directions.

" turn right then second door to the left.." you repeated the directions she gave you. You arrived in front of Hoseok's studio "Hope-World".  You placed the bags down and whispered to yourself...

" well i guess i'll just have to kno--" 


You were about to knock at the door, you reached your phone from your front right pocket and opened your phone ;  your phone read [11:15] and you clicked the notification.

" "Hobii-hope~" sent you a snap. "  you clicked the notification.


   Hobii-hope~  :  

Y/un : open the door

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Y/un : open the door...

Hobii-hope~ : I'm at the studio rn babe...what do you mean?

Y/un: just open the door..

Hobii-hope~ : Huh?

Y/un : trust me...open your door..


He placed his phone down the desk. 

"What does this girl mean? " he chuckled..

He then approached the door and opened it...

"어? 왔어?! (oh? you're here?!)"  Hoseok said, his eyes widened as he found you grinning at him  he then immediately pulled you to a tight hug. He didn't expect to find you in front of him neither his wish come true.. 

"그래 바보야!~ 나 왔어..ㅋㅋ( "that's right you dummy~ im here..kkkk" )" you chuckled. Hoseok then let go of the embraced, he then put both his hand at the side of your arms while your hands was holding his hips. 

"I was worried about you..is this why you didn't check up on me?" Hoseok asked. "I didn't even realized..sorry about that..hihi" you apologized. He then pulled your hands and hugged then he cupped your face-- brought your face to face him before placing a peck on your forehead. You let out a giggle and let go of his hug and put your phone back to your pocket. Hoseok found the bags of chicken and carried it inside as you trailed after him. 

You talked about your promotion " WHOAA CONGRATS BABE!!!" he said as he hugged you tight.  Hoseok then talked about how badly he wanted ARMYS to listen to his new song, He then made you listen to it while eating chicken and enjoying the rest of your night together.



Woahh.. was it good? (let me know down there, ok?)

I'm literally writing this chapter in the middle of the night. I don't know... Hoseok just suddenly came to my mind...

as always yall! 

follow me (hehe), message me your requests (photo with caption(doesn't need to be already in the photo) and the scenario you want to associate the photo with. i'll tag you, don't worry..you'll get the credits.. ;) ), vote if this what??-- DESERVES POoh!!~let me know what your opinions are! 

-- AND WHAT?? ENJOYYYYY!!!!!!!!! 

                                                                              - yoonzzieee ^6^ hihi  

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