Many forms for The Boy who Lived

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A New Me - Chapter 9

~~~ A few weeks later ~~~

*** Harry's POV ***

These past few weeks have been the best in my life. With people who care about me, doing what I love, it has been amazing. The training has been awesome. Turns out, I have more than 'just a knack' for Potion-making. I'm bloody brilliant at it. 

Even Sev was surprised at how good I am. Herm and Dray weren't that pleased, to say the least. Potions was one of the things that both Hermione and Draco were supposed to be better than me. Now I'm better than them at that too. It was fun to see their crestfallen faces. 

"It's okay Drake, don't have to be so sad just because I'm better than you at Potions", I said cheekily. Hermione was even poutier than Draco. Studies were the one thing that she was always better than me at, other than Defense against the Dark arts. Now Potions was one more thing I was better at than her. 

So I decided to cancel lessons with Sev for a day to hang out with the five of them, which seemed to cheer them up considerably. This made Mrs Weasley happy too, as, Sev had added Dueling to one of my areas of concentration. Since then, after every time we duelled we left charred and destroyed zone of ground approximately 10 metres(32 feet) in diameter. 

She was very fed up having to patch us both up every time as we didn't have the energy to do it ourselves and to keep cleaning up after us. 

The six of us went on a walk to a nearby meadow where I had painstakingly arranged blankets and platters of food and made sure it was aesthetically pleasing. They were very pleased by how much effort I had put into the picnic and forgave me for being amazing.

With the amount of fun all of us were having, no one noticed the time fly by. And suddenly there only a few days to my birthday. It would be my first Birthday that I spend not doing chores, but actually spending time with loved ones and try to be normal, well, as normal as 'Harry Potter' can be. 

There were only three days left until my Birthday when I finally finished my Animagus transformation. 

Everyone was gathered to watch my Animagus transformation. We were in a field far away from the Burrow, so that I don't destroy the house in case I transform into something too big or a form to hard to learn to control instantly. I later found out, that this was a very good idea.

Severus read from the instructions what I should do to turn into my Animagus form. I did as he said and felt like a thousand pins and needles were simultaneously pricking my skin. It was painful but not unbearable. Finally, I felt myself growing and growing. I could feel my arms and legs lengthening. I could feel my tailbone elongating. 

It was a weird feeling.

Finally, when I opened my eyes, I was blinded. I had to blink many times to adjust my eyesight. That's when I understood how horrible my eyesight was. Not just my eyesight, but human eyesight in general. I could see for thousands of feet with perfect clarity. I could see every particle of first floating around in the air. It was amazing. Not just that I could smell and hear so much better. I could smell the sweat and soap and perfume angel of the Wizards in from of me, but I could also scent the sweet smell of wildflowers and the musty, woody shell of the first nearby.

I could hear everyone shouting and cheering. When I finally looked down at them, I almost got a heart attack. I was approximately at least 20 metres (70 feet) tall. I felt like I could fly. Then I realised that I could fly. I had wings! Not just any wings. I had three pairs of them. I had six wings and two tails. I also had a beak. 

I was a Thunderbird! 

I started to flap my wings, but then thought better of it and turned back into my human form. When I returned to my own body, I raced to Draco and going my arms around him and kissed him passionately. "That's sick mate", congratulated Blaise. "Fuck sick babe! Bloody brilliant was what it was", said Ron enthusiastically. The other Weasley children laughed. Before Mrs Weasley could chastise her children, Herm and Pans shouted a Ron, "Watch your language, Ronald Weasley". Mrs Weasley beamed at them with pride. 

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