A Walk in the Park

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                                    NOTE ???? is a character that's name wont be mentioned yet, also i spelled chemythsty wrong, that's how they spell it on the wiki fandom so that's how i spelled it. 

                                                                     ~This is the future~

                        Black everything was black, remembering barley anything at the time I opened my eyes, slowly. Looking up at the ceiling, there were spirals and swirls, the background was in a dark teal as the white swirls twisted. Being mezmorized  by twisting white stripes all the memories started to flood back. Remembering what I was here for, and how I got here... I got up and went to go check on ????. Passing through the doorway there was a twisting checkered hallway looking as if it was from an insane persons mind palace, sounds familiar. I was walking for a solid 5 minutes till I got to the stair well, there were 2 story's till i got to "The Room" or "Room 208" where ???? is being held. I walked in and lifted the glass case covering ???? pale white face, thinking of how long they had been dead made me wonder how long I was asleep. I touched the side of ????'s neck there was no pulse, "good" I muterd to myself. My vision went blurry and my mind went blank. the only thing I could feel was the pressure of myself hitting the floor.

                                                                          ~This is present~

                "would you too stop fighting! peace and crackers" I yelled out to the narrators they had been fighting the past couple minutes. "um who are you talking to?" Raven said with a concerned look on her face. "Why the narrators, oh you cant hear them raven, only I can" I could tell she was confused. "Okay?" "can I talk now?" raven  said I nodded my head "Mhm" "its just I'm sick and tired of everyone thinking I'm so evil because my mom was, its not fair!"  I laughed "no one thinks your evil now your just talking crazy" I spun my fingers around the sides of my head. "Daughter of the mad hatter calls me crazy" she said "would you stop with the worry furry everyone in this school loves you" I sat and watched as all the students freaked out about raven being there, I guess people really do think she was evil, that's a bummer. "see they love you" I said out of pity. raven rolled her eyes, the head of my watch sprog up "yay tea time!" I pulled a table and stool out from my hat, on the table there was a tea kettle and a lot of tea cups. Inside one of those tea cups was a mouse who I started to talk to. I could see raven walking away from my peripheral vision. I payed no attention to it. I stayed and had tea for about 5-10 minutes I don't really know, so I started my way to my first class, Chemythstry. 

                  When I walked into the Chemythstry room, I could see professor Rumpelstiltskin standing on his desk and waving a ruler, he is bonkers. I saw Cerise there sitting in the seat to her right was Helga Crumb, and on the left was, no one!  I ran up to where Cerise was sitting when I was about 3/4 up the stairs I heard "hey Maddie, your late" I could tell it was Cerise from her voice. I sat next to Cerise for the time being,  Professor Rumpelstiltskin talked for a while, I mean I know that's what hes is supposed to do but still its sooooo boring. 

                                              ~this my friends is the work of a lazy writer~

                                                   ~after all Maddie's classes, in the dorm~

                   "hey, kitty" I said in a concerned tone, "what do you want" kitty blurted out in an annoyed tone. "Well I was thinking about Raven-" "about the question she asked during practice?". "Yes, i'm worried, she really doesn't want to sign the story book of legends. and I was thinking- maybe... I could sign it for her." kitty looked shocked, "Maddie I-" she was at a lose for words, I could tell she didn't want me to go through with it but she listened to my plan anyway. the plan was to talk to Headmaster Grimm and ask to go before Raven so she would feel more confident when signing the book. Then on legacy day I would simply sign Raven's page, of coarse I wasn't going to tell Raven about it because what if she tried to stop me? I texted Cerise and asked her if we could meet up at about 10:30-11:00ish she said yes. We both agreed that we would meet in the hall way to get to all the different dorms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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