Chap 2 "Party"

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Mila's POV

The day of my party, I was getting ready. I walked downstairs and Mrs. Kent was getting ready to leave with Mr. Kent. "Mrs. Kent, have you seen Clark?" I asked.

"Not since this morning," Mrs. Kent nodded. "Why?"

"He was supposed to escort me to my party," I stated. "Only because I don't have a car and I can't be a no show to my own party."

"Maybe I can give you a ride," Lex stated from the door.

"Lex, we didn't hear you pull up," Mrs. Kent replied.

"Well, I have a gift for the birthday girl and I wanted to give it to you early," Lex stated. "But I think it'll have to wait till after the party. I can give you a lift to The Talon."

"Yeah," I stated. "Mrs. Kent, if Clark gets back, can you tell him I never expected him to actually show up?" Mrs. Kent nodded. I followed Lex to his Porsche and he drove us to The Talon. "Thank you, Lex."

"No problem," Lex smiled. We walked into The Talon and music was playing. "Happy birthday, Mila."

"Thank you, Lex," I replied.

"Happy birthday, Mila," Lana stated from the stairs. "There's a special musical performance for you tonight. Hopefully it is all worth while for you."

"Thanks," I smiled. A guy walked out of the apartment at The Talon. He had a guitar strapped on him. "Maybe this birthday won't be a total loss." He sang a couple songs as I sat at the counter and drank lots of water. He started singing happy birthday and everyone joined in. Lana put a cake in front of me. "Guys."

"Happy birthday, Mila," Lana smiled. "Make a wish." I blew out the candles and everyone clapped. "Do you want to cut the cake?"

"Be my guest," I replied. "I got other people to talk to."

"Okay," Lana nodded.

"Mila," Chloe smiled.

"Hey," I hugged her. "Thanks for coming out."

"Yeah," Chloe smiled. She handed me a gift bag. "Normally, I would put it on the gift table, but it looks empty."

"Well, not everyone knows Lana Lang's cousin," I replied. I pulled out a picture frame and it had our group picture. "Thanks, Chloe." I gave her another hug. "This is my first gift of the night."

"I'm sure having Clark as an escort was fun," Chloe stated.

"Actually, Lex brought me to my party," I nodded. "Clark wasn't there to bring me to my own party."

"Well, I'm sure he would've been there if the other thing wasn't important," Chloe replied.

"I'm sure he would've," I sighed. I sat down at the cushioned area that Lana has marked off for me. I looked at the people all around me. "I think I've finally found myself."

"You could've fooled me," stated the guy that sang. I looked at him. "Noah Schnacky."

"Mila Potter," I replied. I gestured him to sit down. "Who booked you for my party?"

"Your cousin can be pretty convincing, but I didn't realize the birthday girl would be so beautiful," Noah stated. I smiled. "Now with the way you dress, I would say you're from Metropolis. How close am I?"

"Well, you're far from close," I looked at him. "I was born and raised here in Smallville for nineteen years."

"Why wouldn't you celebrate in Metropolis?" Noah asked.

"Because I don't have a car," I stated.

"Hey, why don't you grab me a coffee?" a cheerleader stopped in front of me and Noah.

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