XI. Six Years Later

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"Gong Tae Kwang, are you alright?"

I squinted my eyes at him, trying to gauge his expression. The man in question looked uncomfortably stiff as he stood next to me, his eyes fixated on the yellow-colored house with a white picket fence in front of us. He seemed to be lost in thought, though what could possibly bother him so much?

"Yah!" My voice ended up sounding louder than I had intended, startling him out of his reverie.

He shook his head momentarily as if to shake himself out of his stupor. "What is it, Eun Bi?"

"You've been spacing out ever since we've started to walk home. Is there anything wrong?"

The corner of his lips twitched up a little. "Ani. Nothing is wrong, love."

I raised an eyebrow at his response, unsure whether to believe him or not. It's been exactly six years since the day we confessed our feelings to each other. He had picked me up earlier after work to celebrate, and I found myself being led to an upscale restaurant just near the park. I had started to protest the moment I recognized the signboard, but he immediately shushed me by pecking my lips.

"Just let me treat you to something nice, Eun Bi. It's our anniversary." In the end, I had agreed, albeit reluctantly. After all, how could I say no to that sweet, goofy smile? Even after six years of dating, Tae Kwang had never once ceased to amaze me with his affectionate nature. It only seemed to make itself known whenever he was with me though. His colleagues would beg to differ, given as their descriptions of him merely ranged from "pretty serious" to "a man of few words".

Ha, if only they knew how much of a troublemaker he was back in high school.

After dinner, he took my hand and helped me out of my chair. "Walk with me?" I simply nodded in reply, letting him lead the way. This was where we had ended up, on a quiet neighborhood street where no one else seemed to be passing by.

"You've been unusually quiet since dinner. Should I be worried?" I half-jokingly ask.


I pulled on his hand, making him face me as I cocked my head to the side. "Are you sure? You look like a man trying to find the right words to say. Are you breaking up with me?"

"YA, GO EUN BI!" His sudden outburst had me laughing so hard, my stomach actually ached.

"Y-Your face—omo, you looked like a fish out of the water!" Despite his attempt to stay serious, I could see the tell-tale signs of a grin threatening to break loose. "I should have taken a picture to show Rajin!"

"Aish, seriously you pabo. Are you done laughing at your boyfriend?" He pretended to be annoyed with me, but his eyes said the opposite.

"Ne, I think I'm done—for now," I grinned sheepishly. He bopped my nose with his finger affectionately, making both of us smile. However, it did not escape my notice that his eyes still held the same trepidation as before.

"Gong Tae Kwang."


"Talk to me. I really want to know what's worrying you so bad. And don't even think of lying to me," I added, glaring at him for good measure. "I can actually feel the tension radiating off of you."

His grip on my hands tightened as he drew a long breath. "Kureso. Tell me, what do you think of this house?"

His question caught me off guard. "W-Wha—ya, what is this? Stop trying to change the subject!"

"Just answer the question, love."

Pressing my lips in a thin line, I turned away from him to get a good look. I might as well humor us both, if that's what it takes to coax an answer out of him. The house had a bright, homey feel to it, almost giving off a sense of serenity. Its pale yellow brick exterior was trimmed with white, the front porch overlooking a beautifully-kept garden. "It looks...resplendent," I finally say. "It's like a ray of sunshine peeking through after a storm. A peaceful retreat from the city bustle and hustle."

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