VIII. Late Night Confessions

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"Gong Tae Kwang."

"Ya, Go Eun Bi!" He had unwittingly raised his voice, betraying the conflicting emotions arising within him. Because of me. It was six months ago all over again, when I was about to leave and he was begging me to stay. Only now, the roles were reversed.

"Jebal, hear me out. I am asking you just this once."

"Hajima. I don't want to hear it anymore. I don't want to hear anything from you, arasso?" I could feel the rage emanating from him as he towered over me, I could see it in the way his fingers trembled in the slightest.

"Tae Kwang-"

"I said, hajima!" I reeled back in fear at his dangerous tone, but I held my ground. I needed to say this. I had to.

"Six months ago, I was a stupid girl who didn't know who she was." When he didn't say anything, I took it as a sign to continue. "I was torn between being Lee Eun Bi and Go Eun Byul. I was confused with myself and my feelings. I didn't know what was real and what was not anymore, because the reality I thought I lived in was not mine, but my sister's."

He remained in place, his back turned towards me.

"Han Yi An was Eun Byul's best friend for ten years. They grew up together and formed a comfortable bond that couldn't be broken so easily. During that time, he fell in love with her. He liked her a lot, but she never gave any indication that she reciprocated his feelings."

His fingers clenched into fists. "Why are you telling me something that I already know?"

"Because back then when he thought I was Eun Byul, he treated me like he would my sister. He looked at me the same way, and I-"

"How did Yi An look at you?"

"He looked at me with so much love. Love that wasn't really meant for me, but for unnie. I think that's where I lost touch with myself. I became too immersed in filling Eun Byul's shoes, that I forsook my identity as Lee Eun Bi. I forgot that I was just borrowing someone else's life for a while. I fell in love with a person who showered me with affection that was actually meant for another."

I tentatively took one step towards the dark-haired boy who stood before me.

"Gong Tae Kwang. I know it wouldn't change anything. But at the very least, I want you to know that I am grateful to you. You were that one person who loved me despite everything. Even when I had hurt you so many times because of my foolishness, you never left my side.

The past six months helped me realized what an idiot I was to turn my back on you that day. The one person who had come to know the real Lee Eun Bi, the one who would do anything to make me happy-" I broke off. Tears slipped down my cheeks, blurring my vision. "Mianhe, Gong Tae Kwang. Forgive me."

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