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The Brobdingnagian roads were all empty and vast, the never-ending routes and streets were all shut down and locked as it was still too early for the residents to get to their feet and work. The roads were all damp, the water gathered still in the puddles, as it ran down the drain to the sidewalks. The pleasant smell of petrichor was all enticing to the deep breaths one took. The musky barky smell of after rain was all one could inhale all along, as the sun peeked out from the far east of the huge mountains that were vague to the eyes, hiding behind the thick layers of curtains of clouds.

It was still drizzling, the sound calming to the mind, a soothing lullaby, the melody enchanting the early risers, blessing them with its pitter-patter.

The world was silent, as silent as one would prefer. The sun was coming along the horizon. The sunlight rousing solid colors, hues of sharp orange and bright yellow now taking over the world, dominating the blue that was yet to subside above the thickness of black clouds. As drizzle took its leave, the clouds now moving along, as the sun shone above brightly.

Daniyal jogged along the sidewalk, fully consumed in his own reverie, his slow yet firm steps padded down on the concrete. Cladded in a black tracksuit, a sweatshirt underneath the jacket. Too indulged in the solitude the world was providing like always and every day, he felt like the owner, the ruler. The same old path, the same old shops, the same old houses, were his providers. it was no agitation for him to walk down the same old route he uses every day. It brought him comfort, his very town was his comfort. The roads, shops, houses and most of all the people of here were welcoming.

The calmness that was provided was enough for him to have a small smile on his face. The soothe that was emerging from deep within the atmosphere, was all plenty to quieten the chaos in his mind. The jog since forever was a balm, the peace it brings was enough to chase away his demons of the night, his nightmares.

It smells of the ocean, as the wind hissed past him, the all quiet world way too appealing. Time far away from the buzzing of machines, hustle-bustle of people at the markets. Traffic jamming along the road. The breeze mild, yet still had the power to tremble a man, but he was far too numb to feel. He was engrossed in the melancholic thoughts that were way too heavy, burdening him since forever. The dark visions were all too engraved on the back of his mind.

The neverending long wide road finally came to an end at the last hill standing. He jogged along the path, up to the hard pavement then to the steps leading to the house which he never got to make a home, it had nothing than can be called homely.

What dreaded him was to see what was beyond those iron gates. What rested for him in fate. Those pathways didn't bother him, walking on them every single day didn't agitate him, but entering the same house every day after chasing off the chaos, after settling, calming his broad self, it bothered him. It pained him right in the chest to see the same look on his loved one's face every damn single day. He wanted to hunt down his demons and live a life like every man in the town, but it was a wish that never seem to come true, deep down he knew he will never be the same as them so why waste time.

He entered the villa he despised yet cherished the most at the same time. It had been dull since forever. The villa was up, at the top of the hills, overlooking the whole Wayazo. The town he loved from the bottom of his heart. The building stood proud on hundreds of acre. Looming over all the others in the estate. With modern technology's security, the tall iron gates opened only for the ones deserving. The vast greened lawn was spread out on both the sides of the pathway leading to the ancient, elegantly engraved front door after the modern designed porch. The walls were intact, well maintained and painted. The lawn was filled with green and and green as far as the sight can go. But there were no flowers blooming. The fresh air, the dew still frosted upon the leaves, yet nothing interested him of this house. The pavement was still damp because of the heavy rain last night, yet he didn't glance down on the mess of the mud on the ground. He knew his workers will be doing their job well.
The building stood with the help of red bricks, giving away it's vibrancy. The windows all shaded black, no one can see inside yet insiders have a view of outside. The plants lined up on the steps of the threshold.

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