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The front door towered over me until it was slammed open by Fariya. She was surprised to see me at home early in the afternoon, after all it was quite rare. I never took a day off from my work, let it be my internship. I never had a need to. Before she could even greet me, I hastily stepped inside and straight walked for our room. Only Fariya and auntie were home at this time of the day, Dayyan had his classes then job in the evening while Ammi was school probably.

Slamming the door shut, I took a deep shaky breath in. The dread almost knocking my senses off. Unwrapping my shawl from around me hastily, I threw it across the room, too apprehensive to even give a thought to my etiquettes. Slumping down on my back on the bed, I gazed up at the ceiling, the fan unmoving, the scorching heat, the least of my worries.

My whole body was shaking like a leaf, as my mind ran into the endless pits of memories that I didn't want to acknowledge. The memories too deeply engraved into my soul that it pained to even take a breath. The reality was far too horrendous, then the aims I dreamt of. My mind was a chaos. The memories, the horrible times replaying by themselves like a broken tape. I needed to hold onto something, to not let myself get dragged down into the grievous hollow of memory lane. The nights, the times, the scenes, flashing inside my mind. The sounds, the cries, the voices overbearing, yet I mindlessly gave away myself into the nightmares in the form of memories.

Cladded in white shirt, black formal pants, and a black tie hanging loosely around his neck, he looked even more intimidating then handsome. His jutted out shoulders, and broad chest, all seeming too noticable, his taut muscles all very visible under the tight white shirt he wore, his jacket nowhere to be seen. His penetrating gaze roamed the whole area, as if searching for something, or precisely someone. The minute his eyes landed on me, they stilled, his dark brown eyes, going almost black.

I knew he was no good. He had a strange, very dangerous aura around him. He was a daunting man. I had no business with him, or anywhere near around him for that matter. I needed to stay away from him, that is exactly what I was doing right now, yet his piercing dark brown eyes found mine.

Ducking down from where I was standing beside Hira, I slipped inside the Haveli from the back door. Not wanting his, those calculative eyes on me or anywhere near me.

It was the death anniversary of Haider uncle, my Khala, Noor's mother and Shabbir Uncle. Gloom dominated the whole Haveli. While people of town came to share the sadness over the tragedy, that took place four years back.

I did miss my Khala, she was gem of a person, very caring and down to earth. My mother almost lost the smile on her face after her tragic demise. She missed her, we all missed her, she was not here but she did live in her hearts.

Noor was all too quiet, sitting on the veranda. Her face so pale, as if she didn't sleep the whole week.
Azan was with Haris Bhai the whole day. It was almost Maghrib, the sun setting down the horizon.

Daniyal looked as if he just returned from his work. He too looked almost saddened, almost, on his friend's family, but only if anyone knew, what a monster hid behind that charming face.

Getting done with my Maghrib prayers, I stepped out from Noor's vacant room, only to cease moving, and coming to a complete halt on the door itself. Daniyal hunched over me, his protruding height all too frightening, that I cowered into the closed door. He smirked.

My heart was beating wildly, my chest heaving. I couldn't even grasp the situation, let alone the position we were in. His eyes and face was all blank, except for the small smirk on the corner of his lips.

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