one day ; 01

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"Who the heck says you'll breaking up with me?" Off says with frustration and cornered his girlfriend into the four side of the room.

"Can't you understand? I'm done with you" Her Girlfriend screamed into Off's face that made the young man more angry.

"I said no!!! You'll not breaking up with me" He shouted, and choke her girlfriend.

"Let go of meee" Her girlfriend says, and kicked his boyfriend's private part that made Off screams from pain, and tumbled down to the floor.

Her Girlfriend or soon to be 'ex-girlfriend' coughs because of what Off's did to her "Serves you right, jerk" her girlfriend said and automatically run to escape Off's obsession.

"Nooooo you can't leave me!!!" Off still shouting even he still enduring the pain from his 'kicked' private part.

A minute had passed, he was still lying on the floor but the pain was gone. He was just staring at the ceiling with a neon green star shaped stickers that glows into the dark. He laughed so hard and slapped his own face

"You're alone again, Moron" He uttered to himself and his tone of voice became weak. He stood up, reached for his bed, and in the side of it was a picture frame of His Family. He was starting at it and a curve into his lips was formed.

"You are all unfair, you shouldn't left me being alone" He said and tears from his eyes are falling into the glass of the frame

His family died from a fire incident 6 years ago. His dad, her mom, and his younger brother got burned into their house and until now, they didn't know who's responsible on that incident.

Off's plopped from his bed with the picture frame on his chest

"My girlfriend just broke up with me because he found someone better than me" He said and slowly closed his eyes and got drowned from sleep.


Off woke up because someone was ringing the doorbell. He first yawn, and scratches his back before standing up and opening the door.

Off opens the door and a mail man with his blue polo uniform, black loose pants and black shoes hand him Off's letters

"Are you Mr. Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn?" He asked

"Uh, I am. Do you see any other people here?" Off replied sarcastically. The mail man slightly tilt his head to see Off's apartment and smiled
"Right. You are Mr. Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn. Hmm, sign here and here and here" The mail man commanded and grab his pen from the pocket of his polo and lend it to Off.

"I'm sorry for the lost, Mr. Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn" The mail man uttered that made Off stopped from signing the letter.

"Well that's it. Thank you, Sir" The mail man said and grabbed the pen from Off's hand who was in state of shock.

Off slowly closed the door and sit from his bed. He shook his head, and keep on his mind that the mail man was just joking around

"Okay, This is just probably a notice from my electricity bill or what so ever I have to pay" The young man said to himself. His hands are shaking due to nervousness. He might receive a letter that not anyone in this world want to receive. Off just keep on thinking positive thoughts.

"Okay, here it goes. You can do it Off" He said once more and opened the letter


"Hi, Welcome to our store! Can I take your order?" A delightful greetings from the staff of a fast food chain said into his customer.

"Uhmmm, I want some coffee and a large fries" The customer said to the staff.

"Alright ma'am. Do you have any additional orders?"  The staff asked with a wide smile on his face.

"Oh wait, Uhm, can you change the coffee into milk tea?" The customer said

"no stupid you can't change your order it was already on the monitor. Don't.You.Dare."

"Bu-but you said earlier you will have a coffee? I'm sorry ma'am but it was already in the monitor" The staff said full of politeness. But full of bitchiness inside of his mind.

"Can't you hear me? I said I want milk tea, not coffee. Are you the customer here?" The customer got furious and complaint.

"Go die. Go die. Go die. Go to hell. Go to hell. Go to hell!!!!!!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am for the mistake, please give me a second to call my manager so SHE CAN CHANGE YOUR ORDER INTO MILK TEA EVEN YOU'D TOLD ME THAT YOU WILL HAVE COFFEE" The staff said full of conviction.

"Are you raising your voice?!?" The customer shouted to the staff.

"Are you deaf?"  The staff replied back to the customer

"Hey, what's going on in here?" The manager interrupted.

"Nothing ma'am, it was just a misunderstanding" told by the staff

"Never mind. I will just cancel my order. You should have a good morality in your requirements next time. Some staff isn't that nice" The customer frown "Am I right, Mr. Gun?" The customer reached for the staffs name plate.

"I'm sorry for the trouble ma'am" The manager said and the angry customer left the store

"Follow me" The manager requested to Gun. 

"Yes, ma'am?" Gun asked her manager

"The mailman left me this letter for you"

"Ah, Thank you" said Gun.

"And Gun, please, if you want to stay in this job, have a long temper"

"Sorry for the trouble ma'am. I will be nice from now on" Gun said, kicking his feet into the floor slowly.

"You can go home for now" The manager said and stood up "You will be missed" She added and taps Gun's back.

Gun changed his uniform and wash his face and his hair

"You'll get fired on what happened, " he murmured and looked into the mirror "It's already your 4th job in a row, Gun. Come on, you can't go to Copenhagen if you can't stay and work properly" He wiped his face with a tissue and went out of the comfort room

"I'll be get going" Gun shouted to the crew room.

"Hey Gun, you forget your letter" His friend said

"Oh, right" Gun said and went back to the crew room to get the letter

" Hey open it. I'm curious about that. I've never seen a letter with a red and black cover. It might be an item from the porn site you love to--"

"Shut up or you'll die!" Gun threatened.

To be very honest, Gun was excited to read the letter.  He's expecting it might be an invitation to a date with his favorite porn actor. He smiled widely while opening the letter and when he started to open it, his smile screwed up and Gun became a wilted flower. He sat down on the floor because of what he read

"Hey, are you okay?" His friend asked him "Oh my gosh is that a--"

Gun looked into his friend and hugged him so tight.

"Oh my god Gun, I'm sorry for your lost"


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