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Nicoles pov

We got on the plane and grabbed our seats of course we switched up our sits so that I could have the window seat. Hell yeah I'm gonna get what I want. By the time we take off I was getting sleepy but there was guys who were being super loud. I'm seriously getting fucking annoyed! I swear if they don't shut up I'm going to cut a bitch! (Not really just metaphorically) I looked over at Valerie and Jada and they were both knocked out like seriously I think they haven't slept in a day like literally I was they were dead but nope still breathing. I get up when we're told we can move about the cabin. I crossed over the great lake jk just over Jada and Valerie and went to get a drink. That's when I saw this really cute kinda tall guy who looked familiar. Then as he got closer I realized who he was it's Matthew Espinosa. I had seen him on some of the vines I watched and some YouTube videos that I had watched and I got to say I did think he was cute. But of course I have this rule that if you don't know them then you shouldn't like them bc some hot guys can just be as my little brother says a dbag. So I walk past him and he stops me and says "haven't I seen you before" and I said "not that I know of  bc trust I would remember that face" and he smiled "well you just look like someone I've seen before sorry" "oh yeah well you're Matthew Espinosa right I recognize you from some of your vines that my friends show me" "oh come on you're saying that you're not a fan of me at all" "well I didn't say not a fan I think your vines are funny I just don't go on vine that much I'm more YouTube than vine" "that's where I recognize you from YouTube my friend sent me a link to your video and I subscribed to your channel I think you're really effing hilarious" "thanks sorry I don't follow you or subscribe to you how about we change that" he smiled and said "well then looks like I just met one the hottest and nicest girls I've ever known." I blush and smile"thanks but I'm not at all hot! Not even a little so thanks but not true" "hey I'm not a liar is that what you're calling me bc what I said is the truth" "well I gotta go back to my seat if I see you again then we should hang out bye" "bye" and with that I went back to my seat and plugged in my headphones and went to sleep.

Matt's pov

Dang I didn't think she was super hot  when I first watched her video but then I saw her in person and now I know why they say she's sexy and that ass is on fleik and I know I just met her but damn I think I already like her. But I don't know if she'll feel the same about me.

So I'm hoping that I do see her again so we can hang out. Wait won't I see her when we get off the plane haha she's a clever girl. So maybe she does like me after all. I mean if she didn't she wouldn't have said something that was sure to happen for chance. Who knows maybe it was on accident. Oh never mind I'm going to sleep.

Nicoles pov

I woke up to someone shaking me I open my eyes and see Jada telling me to wake up. "Nicole wake up! Bitch wake up" "who you calling bitch hoe" "you suck" "you swallow" "you gag" "you choke " "shut the fuck up Jada" I say and we both start cracking up like crazy people were staring at us and I flicked one guy off and his mouth dropped to th floor and we just started cracking up like crazy all over again finally we got off the plane and I heard someone call my name "Nicole! Nicole!" I looked in the direction it was coming from amd see none other than...

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