Chapter 4

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Hey guys I promise I will start updating more especially after all this testing going on so here's the new and improved .......Chapter 4(purple one)

Nicoles pov:

When the driver stopped in front of our house I was talking to matt about this summer "hey how long are you guys staying here in cali" "well we have the beach house for the whole summer. So the whole summer." I said in a duh tone. "Oh ok that makes sense. We're leaving in about two weeks" Matt said and Jack g looked at matt and literally gave him a I'm going to kill you look. Which I laughed at and again everybody looks at me funny like literally am I crazy to them. "Well we should be done in about 20 minutes so you all can come in if you want." And they all jumped out the car and ran to the door with us. I literally felt like I was going to get stomped on if I fell on the ground like chill out it's just us. "This house is nice I wish ours was this big and cool." I ran upstairs and called Jada and Valerie to come up to. They ran upstairs and met with me in the hallway in front of our rooms. "Hey do you guys think Matt likes me?" "Duh bro are you blind he's been drooling over you since we met him." Valerie said "oh well I just don't want him to I mean I think he's hot and really cool but y'all already know what happen and I actually saw Isaac at the airport but matt stepped in the way so I didn't get to see him." They both looked at me like da fuq "I think I might go to prison for murder if he comes around." Jada said serious "ok I'm a bit scared to see him any where we go especially here. I came hear to get away and here he is trying to come back" I groan "like who does he think he is. Well lets get dressed and have some fun." And with that we all walked to our rooms to get ready. I don't know what to wear. "Hmm" "what about the purple striped white bikini with white bottoms. And my black crop top with high wasted light washed jean shorts and my black sandals. That should do, ooh and my belly ring that's purple." It's a good thing I shaved yesterday. So all I did was put on water proof mascara and chapstick and put my hair in a high ponytail. Simple is what I wanted and simple is what I achieved.

I walk out of my bedroom and to the hallway to find the girls walking out at the same time. Hah I guess we have known eachother for a long time. "Hey y'all are looking sexy. Note the sarcasm" "haha so hilarious Valerie." Jada says. "No but on the serious note we are ALL looking good." I say and with that we walk downstairs. To see the boys watching tv. I grunt to get them to notice we're here but I guess they don't hear me and start talking.

Matt: "so what do you guys think about the girls."
Jack g:"I think they're all hot and really funny and I think I like Valerie"
Jack j: "dude that's awesome I hope she likes you back cuz it looked like you two hit it off pretty well"
Jack g: "I hope so too"
Matt:" I think they're cool and hot especially Nicole."
^end of convo^

Ok did I really just hear him call me hot. Well thank you. We decided to come down from the steps one more time and hopefully they hear us this time.

Well that went sort of as plan. You see I tripped and fell and so when I fell it made a loud noise and caught their attention. So yeah. But hey they heard us right. I look up to see Matt who is staring at me in a way I could only think of as constipation from holding in a laugh. "Hey you ok?" He says trying to suppress a laugh. "I'm good so how about I get up and we leave" I said while getting up on my feet. Once I was on my feet. "Hey what are we standing here for lets get going. I want to get there before night you know." Then after I said that I ran outside with my phone and bag. And sat in the limo waiting for everyone else. Instead of sitting with matt I sat with Valerie and Jada. I hope today goes great and I don't see Isaac.

*Car ride*

"So what do you think about the guys." I asked the girls. "Well they're hot and pretty hilarious. So they're good for me." Jada says. "Yeah they are seriously hot. Like for real my mouth dropped when I saw them." Valerie says. "Yeah I know that I saw that with my own eyes. Like I know they're hot but personality wise they are pretty cool right." I said, at this time the guys were all just being crazy and making vines. It all got quiet and they turned to look at us. I was blushing so hard at the fact that all of them heard me. Good thing that the limo had stopped right when it happened and so I jumped out and ran down to the beach.

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