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So many fucking gunshots.

Never in Min Yoongi's simple, quiet life did he think he would be ducking for cover to protect his fragile being.  Focusing on his breathing and the beat of his racing heart rather than the ear-piercing sounds swarming around him, he wipes the smudges off his face with his sleeve.

Screams were heard all around him.  Screams in agony, victory, and in anger.  Yoongi wouldn't dare open his eyes.  Not right now.  He glided his palms across the concrete around him, feeling around for his protection as quietly as possible.  The stone felt rough beneath his smooth skin as he counted down the reasonable amount of time he had before he was screwed and lay dead on the ground.

The seconds were moving in Yoongi's head quicker than he'd anticipated, considering this whole thing felt as if he were sitting here idly for hours.  Footsteps would rush past him and his heart would stop for the millionth time just waiting for the danger to hit Yoongi directly.

So many goddamn lies in a span of such a short time.  Stories twisted and molded to fit those disgusting orders Yoongi knew he was given.   Somewhere in the back of his wandering mind, Min Yoongi knew not to follow the sick fuck.  He knew not to get in the car.  To tell that lady that there was a grave mistake and carry on with his familiar life he loathed so much.  But that's just it.

He loathed it.

For someone with such a colorful imagination, this was something Yoongi had unintentionally dreamed of since he was a child.  The adventure, the action, everything about it was a scene he must've created in his head a thousand times.  And somehow, sitting here in the center of this ongoing battle, he wanted nothing more than to be underneath that tree, feeling the words of this story on the thin paper sheets beneath his fingers rather than living it. This is what he was thinking.

That was until he felt a light pressure against his side and metal cool against his shaking fingers.

A voice spoke with a careful tone, a worried one, perhaps.  The voice that had only used harsh words and sarcastic comments for the last few hours.  The voice that almost made him want to run out to the center of the violence with his hands above his head screaming, 'Kill me already!'.

"Are you okay?"

Yoongi took a moment to assess his answer.  Honesty seemed logical by now, but to be frank, he's lost the concept of what logic even is.  It wasn't until another crash was heard that he opened his eyes and mouth to respond.

But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren't we?  Let's make this a bit more enjoyable for all of us and take this back to the real beginning.

I suggest you prepare yourself.  It doesn't take much to light a flame.  Only sparks.  The question that arises now is, how many?


Welcome to the chaos. Welcome to Never Better.


yo, yo, yo!

Welcome to the world of Never Better! Definitely my fave so far, considering the fact that I hate every other book I've written.  Except for Pride In Bullets but the ogs know what happened to that one 😔✊🏼

If you know me, you know I'm a sucker for a retro theme so I thought I'd try it out!

Yoongi is already the most relatable character I've ever written, haha.


I purple you luvs <3

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