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Maya is the daughter of an old man and a sister of five is the oldest of them. Maya went every day to the woods to bring firewood and food to her younger sisters and her old father.

In this jungle is a fierce, ferocious beast who goes to the village at night to kidnap and kill children.

The old father and his daughter, Maya, agreed to return every day before sunset. When she reached the door of her house, she had to knock Three knocks on the door and then Shake her bracelets to make noises, so her father would know that the one at the door is his daughter, Maya.

One day Maya went out to the forest, as usual, she spent her day collecting food and firewood. Before sunset, Maya made a comeback, and she realized that she had lost her bracelets while searching for the needs of the house. She searched for her bracelets throughout the forest, so she took time and did not realize that darkness had come, and when She realized that she rushed to the house crying in fear of the atmosphere of the forest during the night, Maya reached the door of her house, she knocked the three agreed paths and the old father approached the door, she became Maya speaking and telling him what happened, she said to him after that, Dad, I can not shake my bracelet to know that I am Maya, but here is my voice, I will talk to you, so open the door, please Before the forest monster ate me.

The father refused to open the door while he was crying and said to her, forgive me, for I cannot open the door for you, Maya Perhaps the monster imitates your voice. Your younger brothers here will eat them if you open the door. Maya cried and pleaded with him, and the father cried and refused to open for her. The five for them to be eaten by the beast, all of them because they did not abide by what they agreed upon and did not return before sunset. Maya remained out scared and sad, until the beast came and ate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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