Part 4

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"Your going down, or both of us are going down" I said as (f/c) glows around me. Dark smirked "Well, you know what they say, everything is unexpected" she said. I clenched my fist. "Lightning form, go." I heard Dark mumbled. Lightning began to surround her. I didn't know I could do that. Let's see.... "Space form, go." I mumbled. A star sword appeared in front of me. I held the sword tightly. Dark summoned a lightning bow. I glared at her. She smirked "Where's your freakin' boyfriend now?" she asked. Anger filled me up. I swinged my sword forwards her. She dodged it. I swing again. But she always dodged it. She shot some arrows at me. God all of these arrows are swift. But I managed to dodge it all. I made an electric ball and swiftly threw it forwards her. I made more and threw it all forwards her. She almost got hit. I threw more. She teleported right behind me "What is this? A snowball fight?" she asked and going to stab me but I teleported right behind her "Too bad. THERE'S NO SNOWBALL!" I hshouted and almost stabbed her but she teleported away "Alright then~ Let's play hide and seek~" a voice said. Everything was dead silent. My surroundings were only burnt houses and trees. I looked around. Did that house just glitch?! I went there and felt a negative feeling in my head. I looked around and realized that I was in a haunted house. No wonder it's so dark. (F/c) light surrounded me which made light in the house. The door slammed close. A chuckle was heard "Afraid?~" it cooed "Ha! In your dreams!" I teased. I went upstairs. Someone swiftly scratched me. There's a mark on my cheek. I touched it. It stung. I winched in pain. I held my cheek and began to heal it. Then, the pain is gone. I walked towards a door. I opened it and saw blood markings. I saw the cabinet moved. I opened it and my eyes widened. Dad? She.... Killed dad "Do you like it?" someone said behind. Tears are forming in my eyes. She killed my dad. Dark chuckled "He was the one who told you stories about you. You didn't know that he has powers too. When I escaped your body last time, I killed him so he won't give information of your powers. To stop me from ruling the whole galaxy. But you forgot all of your knowledge about this" she said. I could feel that she smirked. I clenched my fist. She was going to kill my mom. She killed Sonic. And Shadow and Silver. Why is she doing this to me? She can rule this stupid galaxy but why do she have to kill the ones I love? "You stupid humans don't know how to fight back. Guess all of you are useless." she said. I clenched my fist tighter. (F/c) electricity flows faster "Yopu can't even guess what's your greatest and most powerful power. I found that very dumb" she said. I shot the electricity at her. My eyes were fully dark (f/c). My fur was pointed up "Oh, I guess that you know that now" Dark said and smirked. The house exploded. I stood up as thunder roared. My eyes were full of revenge. Dark chuckled while floating and watched me. "You know nothing but revenge...." she mumbled

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