M.S.S.L 1

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I walked at a slow pace, dragging my feet, counting each step I took as I sauntered, the more I linger the more I get to see of my surroundings.

My eyes never leaving the top of my dirty air forces regardless of the amount of effort I put into not locking eyes with anyone I still could feel perverted eyes burning a hole in the back of my head making my skin crawl.

Out of nowhere, I felt a rough push almost sending me to the ground "Walk faster!"


I turned on my heels, my eyes meeting his as I just stared at him with a blank expression.
He tilted his head as if he was asking me 'are you testing me?'

His mouth flopped open before he could speak I turned back around and picked up my pace.


"Open up on cell block 40!" Bellick shouted into my ear purposely I sucked my teeth as he let out a deep chuckle that sounded from his gut.

Well I'm glad he finds this entertaining, I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see me.

The cell slid open as I was shoved into the cell block "Scofield guess it's your lucky day!" Bellick snickered.

"This your little home for now."He spoke as the cell slid back close. "Oh, by the way, keep your nose clean... They do bite." He threw his head back as his shoulders shook as he let out loud awful pitch noise if I didn't know any better I would think he was crying.

Once Bellick foot steps faded I took in deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

I turned around and came face to face with the guy I assumed was 'Scofield' "well that guy is annoying." I mutter breaking the slients.

He didn't say anything instead a look of confusion washed over his complexion.

I noticed that his eyes, were a shade of bright navy bluee but in this lighting it made them look somewhat of a dark Green.

"A female in an all male pris-" I cut him off.

"Yes, I know it's unfortunately due to unknown circumstances but seem to me that I have to be here...For now." I spoke as I placed my blanket on the top bunk.

I really didn't know what else to say without coming off as an arrogant asshole.

Guessing it was too late for that.

My eyes scanned the small cell then back at Scofield he was going to speak but got cut off by a guy somewhere on the lower level. "Fish come on now, don't keep the pretty little young lady all to yourself," He said with a slight country accent.

My eyes wondered before landing on Scofield who now had his back now facing me as he brushed his teeth.

I sighed and got onto the top bunk, laying flat on my back as stared at the chipped paint on the ceiling I just wanted to sleep and ignore all my life problems as if I don't already do that awake. "Don't let them get to you." Scofield muttered while the toothbrush was still in his mouth.

I think I'm already passed the whole letting words get under my skin type thing.

I gave him a thumbs up followed along with a wry smile before lowing my glance to met his he was now leaning against the wall letting his eyes wonder, landing far to many times on me.

I pickied at my nails, trying to find anything, something else but to make eye contact with a man that was intensely watching me.

He finally quit his one sided staring contest and climed into the bunk below mines. My eyes lingered on where he was once standing before I turned onto my side staring at the wall with nothing but racing thoughts.

"Lights out!" A guard shouted as everything went dark

....few hours later...

I couldn't sleep, I could do was listen to the faint buzzing noise of the penitentiary and the rusted springs of the bed squeak everytime Scofield shifted.

I didn't know if he was still awake and I didn't care if he wasn't.

"Scofield!" I uttered as I hung upside down from my bunk slightly startling him.

Well if he wasn't awake before he is now his.

"Is Scofiled your first name?" I asked as his eyes met mines. "Did you really just wake me up to ask me what my name is?" He said with a slight edge of annoyance in his voice as he held eye contact.

Duh, I didn't say anything instead I waited for a response.

I expected to shout at me for bothering him instead he just sighed "Scofield my last name, Michael First name." He muttered gently whoich was unexpected.

"I don't believe I caught your name." His voice was raspy due to the fact that he was a sleep a second ago.

"That's cause I didn't throw it." I said as I jumped down to sit on the cold hard floor bring my knees up to my chest.

Michael let out a soft, brief hum as he lazily curled his lips into a half smile.

"Saturn," I stated "Saturn lean." The soft buzzing filled the air as the cell fall silent.

Michael Scofield why does his name sound... Familiar? I pulled at the lose thread on my murky pants.

"Well, Saturn Lean I would love to stay up chatting away but sleep is calling me." He explained as he flipped on his side now facing the wall.

I stood back up dusting my butt off as I glanced over at the desk that sat in the corner of the cell.

There layed an origami in the shape of a Swan, I assumed Micheal made it as I climb back onto my bunk causing it to creak irritating me more then it should.

"Fuck fox river." I muttered turning onto my side causing the bed to squeak again.



Hello peeps! I know prison break is some what of an old show but I recently started watching the show cause of quarantine and i don't regret it! i wished i watched it sooner lol.

But before you say "ThAt cAn'T hApPen iTs aN aLl mAlE prIsoN tHaT wOuLd nEvEr hApPEn" yes i know that's WHYY its called
*drum roll please*


Ofc the chapters will get longer as you keep reading But thank you for picking this story to read<3

okay but who your favorite character from Prison break?
Mines is Fernando sucre.

Don't forget to vote<3

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