M.S.S.l 5

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"The guard checks the cells in 15 minutes." Michael said.

We were now where we weren't supposed to be and if we get caught we would get into a lot of trouble, not even 'trouble' fits the word.

Fuck it.

The fact that Scofield was able to pulled this off was mind blowing.

"So we only have 15 minutes in here?" I questioned even though I alright knew the answer.

"Yes." Michael stated as we now were walked inside the walls of the prison.

"Then why do you need me down here? shouldn't I be keeping watch just in case ya know, a guard shows up?" I questioned.

"Because I need your help," He explained a bit of annoyance could be heard in his voice.

I knew I was talking too much, that's something I tend to do when I'm nervous but I had many questions about everything...

Including his brother.

"Is this why you have the blueprint of the prison tattooed on your body?" I blurted my lips speaking faster than my ability to consent.

Michael stop abruptly before slowly turning to stare at me.

"Shoot I uh..." I didn't know what to say Michael looked to be confused about how I knew that.


"Just keep walking." Michael continue walking leading me to I don't know where.

"Sure thing."I muttered folding my lips following closely behind.

We kept walking till we were in a small room "I need you to stand right here and hold the flashlight." He demanded.

I sauntered over to where he told me to stand I took the flashlight from his grip and pointed it at the wall to where he pointed to.

"I'm I doing this right?” I questioned fumbling with the light "mhmm, unless you need a step by step tutorial on how to point an object at a wall then I say you're doing just peachy." He dug into a tool box bringing out a large shiny tool that I had no clue what for.

I wondered but decided against asking.

"can I ask you something?" I questioned rolling on my heels unsure if I should ask him what I had in mind.

"Go ahead." He said nodding drilling a small hole in the wall "Your brother, Lincoln Borrows- are you breaking him out I find it bizarre that you two were placed in the exact same location?" I held my breath hoping he wouldn't snapped at me.

"The less you know the better." He responded not answering my question.


"Stop rocking, your making it harder for me to pin point where i need to stop drilling." He shifting my hand to the right area of the wall.

I stop rocking on my heels and trying my best to stay as stiff as possible.

"One last question how did you know I was fake sleeping?"

After my last question that he didn't answer we finished the rest of the job in silence.

All of a sudden my head started pounding I try to ignore it but the pain got worst and the thuds got louder followed along with the room starting to spin.

"Saturn, you good?" Michael questioned glancing over at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good.." I cleared my throat.

Unchained (M.S.S.L)  ᵖʳⁱˢᵒⁿ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏWhere stories live. Discover now