The beggining

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Takoba municipal beach park was once a beautiful public spot, yet years of waste being dumped on it has only made it a junkyard. That is where we spot the hero of this story.
        Now he is a quite unlikely hero, he isnt specifically tall or buff or handsome. He is a plain looking boy who is around 5'7" in height and at first glance he quite scrawny. But dont the looks fool you, he is amongst the oldest beings alive.
       Sharp face framed by green hair and decorated by scars shows he isnt a clueless child. And if you look into his eyes you will see experience and wisdom unlike any other. Like two unpolished green emeralds his eyes project his tiredness.

We cant really blame him, after all he has seen and lived through everything. From endless destruction by mad tyrants to the great empires of the world being ruined by deaths of their beloved rulers. And now, living in this era of peace, where the biggest concers a commoner has is if there is wifi or not.

Since he returned to Japan a month ago he has been seeing the sights he missed on his journey. His favourite spot was just this beach. It had a beautiful view of the ocean with the softest sand one can hold. How things can change in few decades. Waste being carried by the waves coupled with citys inhabitants throwing thrash and tou get a junkyard of epic proportions. Our dear hero will not stand for this so he decided to clean it. And that is where our story begins.

A small bear, mouse , thing approuches our hero, an intrigued look in his eyes.
"May I ask your name young man?", the small animal asks curiously.

"Its Izuku, Izuku Midoriya sir."

"Well good morning young Midoriya I see you are being quite busy are you perhaps training to become a hero."

An amused glint goes through Izukus eyes,   "No sir I am not may I ask why you thought I did".

The small animals face drops a little on his answer yet you can see he remains hopefull. "Ah a shame, a good friend of mine has mentioned how this would be a good exercise for inspiring heroes and I like to think he knows what he is talking about."

"If only todays youth had such reasoning, perhaps more junkyards such as this one would be cleaned up."

"One can only hope. However I noticed you used the word youth, do you perhaps believe yoursefl to be isolated from your peers?". The animal asks curiosly, a questioning look in his eyes.

Izuku turns to him, making eye contact, amusement now noticable to the animal.
"*Chukles* No that is not the case young one.", his last two words spoken with mirth.

That confuses the animal, here is a 16 year old calling him, the principal of UA, young. The child must be messing with him. Ahh he understands now, he never did introduce himself to the child, perhaps that is why there was a misunderstanding. After all many animals die before they reach 16 years.

"Ahh I see I was quite rude to you young Midoriya, after all I forgot to introduce myself."

Before he can say anything else, Izuku interrupts him while turning and getting back to cleaning the beach.

"No need mr. Principal, I know full well who you are." Was it theatrical, yes, did he care, no. He needs some amusement as well, being immortal is boring after all.

This small gesture put the animal in calculating mode. Not many know who he is, especially not children. At least not the ones who dont go to his academy. Thousand different possibilities go through his head in just a few seconds. Is the young man a fan, quite unlikely he isnt a very well known hero if you can even call him that, is he a sibling of one the young hopefulls in his academy, again unlikely he remembers everyones records and he would know of young midoriya before hand. Now there is also a less pleasent possibility, one he hopes isnt true. He knows about the new League of Villains club if you want to call it that, they seem to be rucruiting a lot of children, perhaps he is one of them. However before he can continue overthinking the issue Izuku turns his head towards him, amusement now fully visible in his eyes, in fact they seem to have a shine they didnt have few seconds ago.

"Dont worry, I mean you no harm, in fact I would very much like to avoid fighting in the foreseeable future. If you would like to, you may come with me to a my cafe for some tea, I believe we have much to discuss."

The animal doesnt have much choice and Izuku knows that. If it was anyone else they wouldnt bat an eye at his comment, but he knows how distrustfull is the animal and he is well aware of his habit to overthink everything.

"Yes I believe we indeed do have much to talk about. Lead the way please. Oh and call me Nezu if you would like."

The walk to the cafe was quiet, Nezu was stiff and on his guard while Izuku was relaxed and talkative. He mostly made comments about different people he met in the cafe and how they all had interesting stories. He also showed his appreciation towards the beach before it became a junkyard, which Nezu found weird considering that was long before his birth, yet he rememberd he called him a young one, so perhaps there is more to the child than he originaly thought.

It was around 5:30 AM so the cafe wasnt open and they had peace and privacy for their upcoming talk.

"I hope you enyoj genmaicha tea, it is my personal favourite, I also have some ciggaretes if you want a smoke, I dont smoke personaly but it doesnt affect me if others do."

This surprised Nezu, not many younglings have good taste in tea, and not many own a cafe. "I didnt expect someone so young to have such great taste, I will however refrain from smoking, it is still to early for such a thing."

Izuku brings over an intricate tea pot which resembles a tea pots from 17 th century Japan. He sets one cup in front of Nezu and one in front of himself then proceeds to pour tea in to the cups.
"Tell me Nezu, would you like me to tell you a story. A story of an old warrior who has seen it all and whos only wish is to forget."

Nezu was intrigued with Izukus words so he noded for him to continue.

"Very well. This story starts long long time ago and follows a man who was cursed with one of the first quirks that developed. Now i know what you are thinking, however this story isnt about the quirks that apeared over 200 years ago. No, this story is about the first quirks of an old age, quirks werent much different back them, well besides one particular quirk. Our old warior got that quirk you see, but it didnt manifest when he was 4, it was always with him, since his birth. That quirk didnt let him die and no matter how much some tried they could not kill him, a king of one of the greatest empires tried once, but he failed, moreover when the old warrior learned about it he took revenge. Poison took the kings life and the man continued living, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, the man continued living. I am certain you already realize that the quirk the man had was immortality. A curse in disguise. But what you might not realize, that story is only know to one person and thar person is the man himself. Only our old warrior, the hero of this story knows it and only he cant tell it. Yet that changed, today there are two people who know that story."

"The old warrior and one unusual hero."

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