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Taehyung's POV

Today is my first day in 2nd year, actually its second day but i was sick yesterday. LOL, a sick that i made my self. No wonder hyung was mad at me. Not in a million years i can handle it. I will never dissapoint my hyung, he is my role model, my protector tho i was the one who always defended him, i know he is the actual hero that always save my day. It's my first day having a class without him. I'm kind of  lil scare actually. Maybe that's why i tried to procastinate going to school. I played game till morning to chased away my worried. Well hyung won't always be my side, so that fact hit me hard yesterday. It makes me realize how i always depend on Namjoon hyung this 11 years. My hyung couldn't saw my anxiety because i'm good at act. But i'm a big boy now i can handle it my self.

I already finish preparing my self when hyung came to my room.

"Oh Tae, wow i thought you hasn't wake up yet? What's with this? You okay Tae? " hyung ask me while staring at me with worry eyes.

Fuck, i though i already cover it up well till now. How can he read me easily.

"Yeah, i actually want to go early hyung cause i have some work sheet i need to catch up with jimin" i answer him fluidly, cause it's not practically a lie. I do have some catching up with Jimin but it doesn't need to be so early. I just wake up early from this anxiety and try to washed it away.

"Tae look at me" He get close to me and hold my shoulder. No, he can't know i'm anxious. I need to conceal it.

"It's okay hyung, really. I'm just get excite to go to school, you need to take bath i'll prepare sandwich for us. I put down hyung hands down my shoulder while smiling big, hope it can cover it.

I want go to the dining room before his hand hold my wrist and turn me back to him. He suddenly hug me and whispering sweet word to me. "It's okay Tae, you will do great in everything you do. Everyone will love you. I'm so proud of you bear. Trust me okay"

Okay, i surrender, he always see right through me. I hug him back even more thight. I let my anxiety out of me in this hug. And i feel better now, much much better, i'm at ease and i think everthing will be just fine like hyung's said.

We let go and i see hyung's proud smile to me. 

"Okay, hyung will take bath now. Don't worry i'll be fast" and he hurriedly go to his room.

At school

"Tae, that's my class third door from the stairs, yours is across from my class. Let's have break together, i want to introduce you to Hoseok." Hyung says looking so excite at the thought of introducing us. Why is that? Is he so special? I know hyung doesn't have a lot of friends beside me, and Jimin and maybe Jungkook but he doesn't really talk to Jungkook either i don't know why.

"Yeah, sure hyung. See you later hyung " i wave at him and start to go to my class. Yeah he said we are across but it's like 20 meters away. I can see him but i have to scream if we are going to talk.

I enter the class and see Jimin sit alone near the window.

"Jiminie" i greet him loud.

He jump a little, having his thought disturbed by my loud voice. "Hyaa, Tae why would you scream in the morning hah? Having too much sugar?" he bark at me.

"Sorry, so where is Jungkook?" i look around but doesn't see him around us.

"Why would i know? That stupid little prick, how could he went to a party without told me anything. I feel like a loser cause i knew it from Yoongi hyung. You know Yoongi hyung right? You know, the one who had a crush on me, but o rejected him said that i was taken. And now Jungkook went to party and played around with cheeks. I really have no face now, it's embarassing." Jimin went talked so fast that i nearly miss what he said.

"Wait? What? Yeah i know Yoongi hyung. What a prick, where is he now? He need to arrange his self. What is he thinking?"
I start to get angry at Jungkook if he doesn't stop playing around.

"I don't think he gonna arrive today since Yoongi send me a video of Jungkook getting so wasted last night." Jimin sigh and frowning deeply.

" Well,, i really want to punch him right now. But although i punch him, he always come around to you at the end of the day right? Just take sometime, maybe he need to be adventurous a little oor maybe he gets challage by others. You know how his gang doesn't seem to like you always hanging around Jungkook. I don't know maybe because he spend more of his time with you than with them that's why they got jealous of you. I don't know, just maybe. But i think he will come around again, eventually,i hope." i give Jimin my best assurance smile.

" Yea, Tae. You right, he usually come around after we fight. Thanks Tae, you always know how to make me calm." he punch my shoulder dearly.

I hate seeing Jungkook hurt my best friend like this. I mean he make Jimin the happiest but he can also make Jimin the saddest person too. And They love each other i know, but they sometimes fought so hard that i think they break up forever. Love is so hard to understand. I only have 3 past relationship. The first one was a cheater, the second wasn't accepting Joon as my bestfriend/brother, and the third one said she jealoused of hyung. What is wrong with this girls,why should they jealous of my own hyung? Stupid little pricks, whatever it's not that i loved them either. I just feel disturbed for a while after i had my break up and then live goes on like usual.

I look up at the window and stare at my hyung's class. I can see his him from here, but wait, why my hyung talking so happily with his seatmate? Is he Hoseok guy that hyung talk about last night? I can't see properly his face cause he is talking with my hyung. The thing is i never seen hyung talk like that beside me. He is always quite except when with me he will talk animatedly, which what he's doing right now with that Hoseok guy. Why would hyung talk to him like that? Why is me heart feel heavy? Do i get a heart attack? No, i'm too young. But my breath feel tight, maybe i have an asthma? No, i don't have it. I clench my hand while staring at hyung's laugh beside Hoseok. What hyung's laugh at? Is that hoseok funnier than me? What is this feeling actually? Is he going to replace me? Suddenly i feel sick, i stand so fast that make Jimin surprised. I feel all my energy drained off my body.

"What's wrong Tae? Are you okay? You look pale now, are you getting sick again? i thought you already feel better? Let's go to infirmary before you collapse or something" Jimin hold me while look after me, afraid i go collapse at class.

I look at Jimin still looking so pale. And he start to drag me to the infirmary room.

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