Sweet Torture (End)

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Namjoon's POV

Class hasn't start so i talk to Hoseok. We just chat a little about our favorite Rapper. Mine is eminem, i just love his shots of word that came out so fluid like a waterfall, endless, hard and deep. And to think that someone shares the same interest with me is so facinating. I chat wit Hoseok or Hobi, he like to get called Hobi since we already close now. We talk like a lost sibling found each other, it makes me kind of forget about Taehyung. I was gonna text him awhile ago to ask his new class before Hobi come and greet me.

Now that i remember i'm gonna text him i look up at the window and see that Taehyung stand at his class looking at me. I wave at him but he kind of stare with blank face. And suddenly Jimin drag him out of class and guiding him out of the class.

I'm kind of shock, so i stare blankly for 3 seconds before Hoseok pat my shoulder.

"What's with your face? You look blank after waving your hand." Hoseok ask me confusedly.

" Do you remember my Tae? I think he is sick now, i need to go to infirmary now, please tell the teacher i don't feel well." i stand up hurriedly and start to jog to infirmary.

After i get there, i saw my Tae's crying. He never cries in front of Jimin. Is something wrong? Why didn't he text me? I walk to Tae's bed slowly.

"Tae, baby. What's wrong bear?" I ask him carefully and hug him close. Jimin see i came and start to stand.

"Hyung, i don't really know what happened. He just stare at the window and his face began to pale. I just take him here afraid he'll collapse at the class. I think you know him more than me, please take care of him okay? I'll leave now to let you two talk" Jimin say and start to leave.

"Thanks Jimin. I owe you" i give him my gratitude smile. Even sometime i get jealous of him, i know he is a good friend to Tae and more eyes to watch over my bear is always a blessing.

After Jimin leave, i start to talk again.
"Bear, what is it? I'm here, don't cry please. Is someone hurting you baby? Please look at me" i stare at him holding his face that keep look down at his hands. I never seen his face this sad before, his tears seems to keep leaking. He only cried like this once time, when i lost my parents 7 years ago. But no one die i'm sure, Tae's parents is healthy and at the office i'm sure.

"Hyuuung" Tae stare at me, still crying while holding my hands.

"Hyung please don't leave me. I promise i'll be good and always listen to you" what? what is happening? i keep staring at his beautiful eyes still feeling lost of what happened.

"But Taebear, I'm right here okay. I would never leave you. Why are you thinking like that baby? Huush,, my baby please stop crying okay" i try to understand him but still don't get it.

"Hiks,i saw you talking to your seatmate. You never talk like that to anyone beside me. Is he a better friend than me? You are not gonna leave me, aren't you? Do you think he is a greater brother than me? Are you going to replace me? I promise i won't be a cry baby again. Please don't leave." Tae beg me with his eyes. Feel like lightning at the sunny weather. I now get it why he is a crying mess. I hug him tightly feel grateful and upset at the same times. Well i never like to see Tae cry so it's kind of upsetting too for me. But still i feel so great and happy now he feel the same way.

I let go my hug and start to fix his messy but sexy hair. Why do my mind go to that thought at this moment? Such a perv, i scold my self.

"Baby listen to me carefully, i'm not gonna leave you. Not now, not ever. You are the best brother and friend i ever have. I will never ever replace you with someone else. Hoseok is just a friend for me. But you, you are my everything to me. You are my sun that always lights me, you are my rock that keep me steady and you are the most precious person to my heart. You are the one who hold my heart. I'm gonna say it clearly to you dear. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you more than a brother,more than best friend, i love you like a lover how a man loves woman. I know that i am a man and so are you, but i ask this once, and i told you before that you hold my heart. You can choose to crush it or to love it back, it's depend on you. But i don't want to force you into anything you don't like okay? Will you, Taebear, the owner of my heart, be my lover and be my boyfriends? Don't think of anything else, answer for yourself bear" i stare at him deeply try to read his minds. I feel my heart stop pumping, will he crush my heart because i'm a man? What do i do if he hates me after this. That thought eating me alive. I'm such a fool, i shouldn't be so reckless like this? What if...

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