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Reacting to you telling them they're a dad on Father's Day.


You and Suho chilled at home. You decided it was time to tell him you were pregnant? Since you found out almost a month ago.

"Hey babe, we should use the spare room and turn it into a nursery."

"For who, your cats?"

"No silly, our baby."

"Yeah okay...wait what?"

"I'm pregnant."

When I tell you this boy jumped up and wrapped you up tightly in his arms. He couldn't be happier. (Low key want Suho to hurry up and get married and have kids. Like he's totally husband/dad material)


You two decided to go on an afternoon walk. You started to get out of breath so you had to stop. Sehun takes notice and walks to you.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

"Yeah. It's probably just the baby weighing me down."


"I'm pregnant, Sehunnie."

"Since when?!"

"I found out a few weeks ago."

"You're just now telling me?"

"I was going to tell you sooner cause I was scared of how you'd act."

"Baby, we're in this together. Of course I'd prefer to not have a baby right now but, whatever happens happens."

"So you're not mad?"

"Of course not. Now let's go home and have some ice cream. I'll carry you."


It's been a hot minute since you two have gone out. At dinner, you decided it was time to tell Channy that you're carrying a baby. The waiter then came up to take your order.

"I'll have a steak with a potato and salad. Ooh, and I'll have some fries. I know it's a lot but, I'm eating for you."

"Yes ma'am, I'll be back with your orders."

"I'm sorry what? Feeding for two?"

"Yes, cause I'm pregnant Channy."

"Really? Yay!"

This boy screamed so loud the whole restaurant heard. He went to hug and kiss you and your stomach. He was beyond excited.


You felt weird this morning. You smelt the food Baekhyun was cooking and went to throw up. You then remember that you were suppose to start your period two days ago. There's no way. You couldn't possibly be pregnant. After eating breakfast, Baekhyun went to play videos and you went out to get a pregnancy test. When you got back you went into the bathroom. You peed and waited for results. You are in fact pregnant. You just sat on the floor not knowing what to do. Were you two when capable of raising a baby right now? With you in college and him an idol. You decided to tell him right then. You go to him as he's still playing video games.

"Hey, Baekhyun."

"Hold on babe, let me kill this bitch real quick. Shit!"

"Please, it's important."

"Okay hold on a sec honey."



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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