Please help me holy shit wtf am I doing

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    Nighttime the best part of my day when everything has gone to sleep. The peaceful loneliness and the silence that comes with it is so very very soothing. Of course though all good things have to end. Daytime is when nosey people come out of their homes and ruin the things I create during the night.The screams in the morning makes me cringe as they come out of their homes to find something beautiful and then run back in.Those who see my work in the morning don't understand how beautiful my work is.

They will never understand how long it takes me to make these things,these beautiful pieces of art.The only time that I have ever had a good morning is when i saw a little boy feasting upon my art.The others never understand but the boy does always feasting upon my art before his parents awake. REcently though the boy has not been there his parents took him somewhere and he didn't come back. I missed the boy who appreciate my gifts so I had to investigate where my boy went.

Going into the house were he resided I saw the words "mental asylum" written next to a picture of my boy and then there were numbers 567. I figured out my boy and want to the place they has called the "mental asylum" a few minutes later when going up to his room and seeing none of his things where they should be. Going into his parents room, making them a work of art out of their,loud and ugly creature they call a "dog". I sat a note next to it simply putting a picture of them with the words "bring my boy back". After leaving the house I went away and waited for the morning when the would bring home my boy.

The next morning a bunch of loud noisy machines were there surrounding the house.They brought out my piece of art and placed it a bag. The two parents of the boy had water coming out of their eyes .Later though I saw my boy walking into the house being asked things. He was home where he should have been.Walking into the house where my boy was, ignoring the screaming that the people let out as i walked in to the house. Seeing my boy I was filled with a tingly feeling.Looking at the humans with their wide eyes I walked towards my boy. Feeling something sharp go through my body I turned around and saw someone was trying to keep me from my boy. The man looked down and saw my fingers threw his chest and screamed. These humans are not very smart don't they know who I am.

I'm the globgolgabgalab 

Night timeWhere stories live. Discover now