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I would like to start this note by saying thanks to all my readers who have been patient with my disappearance.

The year 2020 has turned out to be the worst year of my life. I lost my mother at the start of May. It was very sudden, without any warning, so I guess what I felt earlier was merely shock. The grief is settling in now. She was my best friend, my topmost well-wisher, and my pillar of strength. Even when the world would return to normal a few months down the line,  my life would be incomplete forever. The upcoming new normal that everyone keeps talking about looks so bleak for us without her.

My family is with me in this trying time but I have lost the will to write. I am trying to get back to it just as a means of diverting myself, but it is difficult. I hope for your continuing patience. Please pray for my mother. She used to be very happy and proud to hear that I receive fan-emails from my readers. 

Thanks again.

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