**Comet's POV**
"Comet, Joseph, Joanna," Ms. Kerr waved us over to her, "It's time - you ready?"
"No," I shook my head, "But now's a good a time as any."
"That's the spirit," Ms. Kerr clapped my shoulder, then went out on stage, "Good evening, everyone, my name is Jennifer Kerr, I'm the drama teacher here and I'd like to welcome you to the opening night of Promise of the Moon," I rolled my neck as Ms. Kerr waited for applause, "Thank you. This is an original show written by three of our students. To give you a brief synopsis of the show you're about to see, please allow me to introduce Joanna Rothchild who wrote my music," applause and Joanna stepped out onstage, "Joseph Rothchild, who wrote the lyrics," another applause and Joseph stepped out, leaving me alone, "And last, but certainly not least - Comet Henningsen-Louderman, who wrote the show."
I stepped out onto the stage as the audience cheered.
**Erika's POV**
"...And last, but certainly not least - Comet Henningsen-Louderman, who wrote the show."
My jaw dropped as my daughter - my Comet - stepped out onto the stage, blinking in the lights and joined the Rothchild siblings.
"Hi, everybody!" the girl introduced as Joanna Rothchild stepped forward, "I wish I could say that it's good to see you, but my sightline reaches about the second or third row before the stage lights are I can see. So, Comet began writing this show around October and brought me and my brother onboard around November..."
I watched Comet as Joanna spoke. She was wearing jeans and a white button-down with her busted-up gray Converse and beanie. She was trying to suppress her smile, but I could see it and she was glowing.
"That's your kid," Taylor leaned over Grey and whispered to me.
"I had no idea she was working on this," Grey added.
I scoffed light-heartedly, "Me, neither," I leaned back and watched as my daughter stepped forward.
Comet gave a short description of the show, then the three left the stage and an overture carried from the orchestra pit to the house. By intermission, I was completely blown away. When the house lights came up, I glanced at my castmates and saw them equally as impressed.
"Did you know she could do that?" asked Kate.
"I knew she wrote," Barrett said through a laugh, "But I didn't know she wrote-wrote."
My phone vibrated and I pulled it out to see a text from Comet.
Do you like it? Please be honest... You hate it don't you. Forget I asked. Nevermind. Sorry.
I laughed and showed the text to Grey, who took my phone and got it passed down the line of my castmates before it eventually came back to me. I looked at the conversation and found every single one of my companions had each sent her a text.
I LOVE IT! Fantastic! #ProudGayUncle - Grey
I'm jealous of your story-telling - Kerry
Your Name Buddy is completely and utterly and astronomically impressed - Barrett
I'm terrified of your abilities - Kate
We need to talk more about everything that's bookish - Kyle
You are going to take my job. I need to watch out - TinaI cast all of them a playful glare, then sent my own text to her.
I love the show, Meadowlark. I can't believe you kept this a secret for as long as you did. I'm so proud of you - like, heart-about-to-explode proud. I can't wait to see Act 2 and completely embarrass you later tonight. I love your show and I love you. 😘
I waited for a reply briefly and saw the three blinking dots, then it disappeared. I pocketed my phone, then felt it vibrate twice.
Thank you - all of you.
I love you, tooWow.
I passed the phone down the line again. The house lights dimmed before my phone was returned, so I leaned back in my seat and enjoyed the rest of the show. There was one line that stood out to me and I could clearly hear Comet's voice behind it. These two supporting characters who were gay lovers were talking. One character, Miles, had a supportive family while his boyfriend, Ulysse, didn't. Miles and Ulysse had been alone on stage and Miles said to him, "I'm going to make you a promise, Ulysse. I am going to fight for you. I am going to fight for you and for us until I physically cannot fight anymore. You're never going to lose me." I had said either that exact thing or something very similar to Comet when she was talked away by Maddie nearly a year ago. I almost cried, but the scene was so short that the tears didn't have time.
During curtain call, we were the first ones on our feet, cheering and clapping as the cast came out and bowed. Comet, Joseph, and Joanna were brought out onto stage also bowed - we screamed extra loud for her. Once the lights were raised, Kerry took the direction of the group as the mom she was and lead us out saying things like "stay with your buddy" and "stay together". We waited outside the theatre for the cast and crew of the show with the other families and friends.
Comet came out with Joseph and Joanna, her eyes landed on us and she launched herself into my arms.
"That was fantastic!" I hugged her tightly, "I'm super, super proud!" Comet grinned and hugged the others, each saying something similar.
"I'm glad you liked it," she smiled, "Oh," she turned around and beckoned Joseph and Joanna over, "Joseph, Joanna, this is Erika, Taylor, Kate, Kyle, Kerry, Tina, Grey, and Barrett. Guys, this is Joseph and Joanna. They wrote the lyrics and music."
"It's nice to finally meet you," I greeted her friends, "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're all very impressed with what you three managed to put together."
Joseph was staring at us, eyes wide, but Joanna spoke for both of them.
"It's nice to meet you, too. Sorry about my brother, he's a huge fan of your show. I've listened to it and it's good, but Joseph's more into that kind of stuff than I am."
We got talking with them and Joseph was actually really funny once he'd gotten over being starstruck. We all congratulated Casper and the rest of the company and creative team and were asked over and over again for autographs. We stayed with the parents outside when the kids were called back in for notes, then I carried Comet home after she fell asleep on the subway.
Happy Father's Day to any father-figures in your lives!
Adopted by Mean Girls
FanfictionCaroline "Comet" Henders' alcoholic father dropped her at an orphanage before getting arrested. Comet was ready to give up on finding a family that cared for her, but then she meets Erika Henningsen and things start to change...