Chapter 1- Coming to Domino City! Reader Meets Kaiba

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A tall man in a suite stepped into the office of his boss, the President of Kaiba Corp, Seto Kaiba.

"Mr. Kaiba, the paperwork you requested." The man handed Seto a file. Seto opened it, and scanned the documents.

"So, this is our new hire?" Seto raised an eyebrow, placing the folder down back on his desk.

"Yes, sir. All of our executives have interviewed her. She answered our questions perfectly and we feel that she'd be a breath of fresh air."

"How old is she?" Seto demand.

"Sir, were not allowed to ask that according to our HR department, but she looks... about your age, Mr. Kaiba."

"She has three college degrees? And she aided the police in catching a serial killer at the age of 17? And created a new branding strategy for one of the largest video game company in America?" Seto asked, dubiously.

"Yes, sir. She's quite well rounded." Roland answered his boss. "She's also a certified yoga instructor for underprivileged orphans and a published author."

"And it will make the board happy if we hire someone.. Unconventional?" Seto asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes sir, Mr. Kaiba." Roland answered.

Seto swung around in his chair, staring back at his reflection through the glass. "(First Name/Last Name)... welcome to Kaiba Corp."


(Your name) stepped into the large skyscraper office, nerves and excitement filling the pit of her stomach. What felt like a dream come true was actually happening as (Your name) checked in with the receptionist for her first day of her new job and her new life.

"One more thing, do your best to avoid our President, Mr. Kaiba. Between you and me, he fired a man the other day because he designed our water bottles and Kaiba thought they were too flimsy." The woman warned (Your Name) grimly.

(Your name) looked puzzled as she walked away from the receptionist. How was she supposed to avoid her new boss? (your name) thought. She logged in and started her computer training, hoping to make a good impression by finishing early. Before she realized it, it was almost 7pm. She decided to leave despite half of her office still working.

When (your name) arrived at her apartment a few minutes away, she took her dog, (Your dog's name), out for a walk, eager to explore her new city. As she walked, she made note of places she would visit in her down time. While walking over uneven paving, (your name) tripped and fell to the ground, scraping her forearms and dropping the leash. Her dog excitedly rushed forward, not used to the freedom that having no leash provided her with.

"(Dog's name)!" (your name) screamed, imagining a distracted driver hitting her little companion. She sprinted towards the dog, which was heading right in the direction of Kaiba Corp. As she approached the mischievous (Dog breed/type), she noticed a tall man walking towards an open vehicle yelling into his phone. Little (Dog's name) rushed towards the man, eagerly jumping up and squeaking with joy.

"No!" (y/n) yelled. "(dog's name), down puppy!" (Your name) approached the man and dog, kneeling down scooping (dog's name) dog into her arms, anxiously looking into the cold blue eyes of the visibly irate businessman.

"Sir, I am so sorry." (y/n) began. "I was walking my dog and I fell and her leash slipped out of my hands and she ran over here for some reason. We just moved here and she's extra excitable. She loves new people and hasn't quite learned the word 'down' yet."

The man abruptly ended his call and placed his phone in his pocket continuing to glare at (your name) as she gingerly stood up. (your name) extended a hand to the tall man. "By the way I'm-"

"I don't care who you are. Get that mutt out of my sight." The man spat. "And learn to control your little pet."

"Again, I'm so sorry sir. Please accept my apology for interrupting your evening."

"Anything to shut you up." The man said sarcastically as he walked right past (y/n) and her smiling puppy, getting into the passenger side of his car and driving away.

(your name) sighed, not expecting someone to be so blatantly rude. "At least I'll probably never see that guy again." (y/n) murmured before walking home and retiring for the night, hoping the rest of the week would be better.

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