Chapter 36 - The Big News

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A gentle knock game from outside Seto's room.

"Come in!"

"You wanted to see me?" (Y/n) asked.

Seto stood and looked down at the gorgeous Kaiba Corp Executive.

"When I first decided to hire you, I knew you were very talented. More than that, you've never been afraid to stand up to me and you've come up with incredible ideas to grow and improve Kaiba Corporation. I'm used to sniveling sycophants feigning interest in me to move up in this company. But not you, (Y/n)."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "What are you getting at here, Seto?"

"It's true you've put a great deal of effort into planning this tournament, saving Kaiba Corp, and even rescuing me." Seto said, walking towards the small window, looking down at the land below. "But this was beyond anything I ever expected." Seto handed (Y/n) a tablet with an article from Domino City News.

The article highlighted the success of Kaiba Corporation's new duel disc systems, the popularity of their tournament and the appearance of a mystery duelist said to have 'close ties' with Kaiba Corporation that was gathering a huge following from duelists and fans alike.

(Y/N) handed the tablet back to Seto. "I don't know what to say. I only did this to show you another side of me, and if I'm being honest, I just wanted to spend time together and be assured of how you feel about me."

Seto stepped closer, caressing her face with his thumb. "I thought it was obvious how I feel about you..." He pulled (Y/n) into a warm embrace, planting his soft lips against hers.

"But since you're here.... Let me know you." Seto smirked as he locked the door to his room.


The next morning, (Y/N) woke up with the worst nausea. She sat up abruptly in Seto's bed and rushed into his bathroom, lifting the toilet lid as she fell to her knees and vomited.

A light knock came from outside the bathroom. "Are you okay?" Seto asked calmly.

"Oh yeah. I'm okay." (y/n) murmured sheepishly. "Probably just some motion sickness."

In the background she heard Seto calling an assistant to bring him ginger ale and crackers right away. (y/n) freshened up as best as she could and sat down in Seto's chair nibbling on saltines and soda.

"Let me know if you need anything else." Seto said cooly.

A knock on the door turned their attention to the dark haired teen on the other side of the wall. "Seto! It's me! Can I come in? You're gonna wanna see this!" The Kaiba Corp Vice President chirped. He was way too energetic for 7:00am in the morning.

"Just a minute," Seto murmured, helping (Y/n) find the rest of her clothing and quickly dress as if nothing had happened the previous night.

After getting the green light, Mokuba came into the room holding his tablet in front of Seto and (Y/n). "Check this out!" Someone took photos of your duel last night, and it's all over Domino News Network.

The article showed images of (Y/N) incognito, dueling Joey Wheeler and Seto Kaiba, as well as her big reveal. "Kaiba Corporation President and CEO, Seto Kaiba hosted a Duel Monsters Tournament in Domino City this week. The winner appears to be a young woman new to the dueling scene. The mysterious woman appears to have connections with Kaiba Corporation, an anonymous inside source claims. More to follow on this story. "

"It seems the paparazzi had a slow news week to bother with something like this," Seto said nonchalantly, handing the tablet back to his younger brother. "Besides, I saw a similar article last night."

"That's not all!" Mokuba said cheerfully, swiping to another news article from this morning.

"With the recent conclusion of the Kaiba Corporation Sponsored Duel Monsters Tournament, more new duelists than ever are flocking to stores to buy Seto Kaiba's new duel discs. This has created a large increase in revenue, especially in the 18-28 year old women demographic, which has been a struggle for Kaiba Corporation to reach previously. Many young women are citing mysterious woman who won the recent tournament as their reason for wanting to become duelists.

Kaiba Corp Stocks, which took a plunge a few weeks back, are expected to make a huge comeback thanks to the success of Seto Kaiba's new duel disc, the creation of the KC Tournament, and especially the female competitor who stole the show and beat many top duelists, including Mai Valentine and Joey Wheeler, both Domino City locals."

Seto placed the tablet down, looking at his brother and back at (y/n). A smirk began to form on his face, as he crossed his arms. "This is even better news than knowing Gozaburo and Noah are locked in prison and that Joey Wheeler didn't win my tournament."

"I think we should celebrate, Seto!" (Y/n) suggested. "The three of us! Maybe Sunday we can take a trip together."

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Mokuba agreed.

The blimp landed and the three exited alongside Yugi and his friends, as well as the assistants and pilots. To everyone's surprise, photographers were waiting to snap photos, and they cheered and whistled as (y/n) left in the same vehicle as Seto and Mokuba.

"Shouldn't we have offered Yugi and his friends a ride?" (y/n) suggested.

"Nah, they are probably used to taking the bus anyway." Seto sneered.

Some things never change, Mokuba thought as the trio arrived at Seto and Mokuba's home.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Mokuba begged sweetly.

"I'd love to, but I have to get back to my dog." (Y/n) replied. "She probably misses me alot!"

"Ohh, I have an idea! We could come to your place for dinner! It's been a while since we've visited, and you promised I come over anytime to see (dog's name)!" Mokuba suggested. "Please (y/n)! Please, Seto!"

"I'd actually really love that- let me grab some groceries and I'll cook for you both." She looked down at her watch. "Give me two hours!"

"Seto....?" Mokuba looked up at his older brother for confirmation.

"Whatever..." Seto said finally.

"Sounds like a yes to me!" (y/n) teased as she left to pick up groceries and come home to her loving dog.

The two hours passed quickly as (y/n) made a curry dish and prepared the table for three. A knock arrived and the two Kaiba Brothers came in for dinner.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Mokuba exclaimed. "Seto never cooks for me like this!"

Seto found himself blushing. "I'm too busy running a company to spend time cooking dinner every night for you!"

"Whatever, bro!" Mokuba said cheerfully. "So... (y/n), when are ya gonna move in so you can cook for me all the time?"

(y/n) laughed, blushing profusely. "I can cook for you anytime! I don't have to live at your house to do that, Mokuba."

After everyone finished dinner, (y/n) pulled out a chocolate parfait dish for the table. "I hope you saved room for dessert!"

"My favorite food in the entire world!" Mokuba exclaimed. "Can I come live with you? Seto never brings me desserts from the bakery!"

"It's actually homemade! Just a recipe I found on a website, but you're welcome to bring the rest home."

Seto remained quiet, pensive and serious as if something were on his mind.

Mokuba packed his leftovers and excused himself to go play video games with Yugi and his friends, leaving Seto and (y/n) alone in the apartment.

"Something on your mind, Seto?"

"When were you planning on telling me?" Seto asked cooly.

"Tell you what?"

"That you're pregnant."

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