Chapter 40 - The Press Conference

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"What did you want to talk about?" Seto asked pensively.

(y/n) handed her tablet to Seto. He looked down to see a news article with photos of (y/n) trying to leave the Kaiba Corp office earlier that evening.

"Mystery Woman Identified as (first name/last name), Kaiba Corp Executive. Evidence has surfaced suggesting that the CEO and President of Kaiba Corporation, Seto Kaiba is now romantically linked to the mystery duelist that won his recent competition. Did the whirlwind romance begin at the tournament? An insider source claims the two hit it off at the competition and quickly became an item.

The two were spotted at a local luxury car dealership purchasing what can be described as a family friendly SUV. It has been speculated that the tech genius Seto Kaiba is ready to 'settle down and start a family' according to another insider source that has declined to reveal their identity. We tried to reach out to Kaiba Corporations Public Relations Department, but they have declined to comment on the matter further at this time."

Seto placed the tablet back down on the table looking up from his desk towards (y/n) furious face. "I'll take care of this." Seto said casually, standing up from his desk and walking out of the room leaving (y/n) alone in the home office.

It wasn't herself that she was most worried about. She placed a hand over her still flat tummy, thinking of the growing life inside her. Would she be harassed by the press once her baby bump became noticeable? What about her baby itself? (y/n) buried the thoughts away as she drove her new SUV home and into the parking garage of her complex and stepped out of the vehicle.

Dozens of lights suddenly flashed as she walked through the garage and up to her apartment. She wanted to say something, but would that make it worse for her? Would that make it worse for Seto, who had already promised to 'take care' of the situation?

"Please, no more photos." (y/n) insisted as she walked to her front door. "I'd like my privacy...."

"Hey honey! Where's your boyfriend? Does he know you live in this dump? Couldn't he afford to pay for you to live somewhere nicer than a tiny apartment in Downtown Domino City?"

"Yeah! Dontcha make alot of money working for that hotshot Kaiba? Couldn't ya live in a mansion or somethin?" Another photographer shouted.

(y/n) managed to squeeze into her apartment, quickly shutting the blinds and picking up her perky pup for kisses. "Looks like things are gonna be a little more crazy for us now aren't they sweetheart?" The dog looked up with eyes full of concern and bewilderment, planting sweet puppy kisses on their owners face.

The rest of the week dragged by (y/n) got used to paparazzi following her every move. After a few days, she turned on the News after work to wind down for the weekend.

Seto Kaiba's face appeared on the Domino News Network for a press conference. He discussed the company's new duel disc, the success of his tournament, and future plans for the company.

"Now that that's out of the way," Seto continued, "I'd like to discuss the matter of my love life." He paused for a moment, narrowing his eyes at the camera with his iconic scowl. "Many rumors have been going around this city, speculating on my dating life. Dozens of Kaiba Corporation employees have been questioned by local paparazzi in the hopes of finding out information. Let me be clear: I detest bullies, especially those that want to prey on innocent women for their ties to me and to Kaiba Corp. When you disrespect those close to me, you also disrespect me and Kaiba Corporation, and I will not stand for this."

The press conference ended quickly, with news commentators changing the subject to the stock market and other duel monsters related news.

A text quickly arrived in (y/n) inbox.

Taken care of.

- Seto

She let out a small smile as the pair made plans for the weekend.


The next morning, (y/n) got up early, walked her dog and proceeded to head towards the local Domino City orphanage. It was a Saturday Morning, and she was scheduled to teach a yoga class for the children in the home. As soon as she entered the studio, dozens of children rushed towards her, asking her about her duel monsters tournament, and if Mr. Kaiba was really her boyfriend. She smiled sweetly as she directed their attention to the yoga class.

After the class ended, two little boys approached (y/n), the younger one timidly hiding behind his confident older brother.

"Miss (last name)?" The older boy said.

"Yes, what is it honey?"

"We heard you know the Seto Kaiba... is that really true?"

(y/n) nodded as she rolled up her yoga mat. "I sure do! In fact, I work for him!"

"Is it also true that Mister Kaiba grew up in an orphanage, like us?"

"Yes.. it is. He actually grew up here before he was adopted."

The little boy looked excited as he heard this. "Really? Does that mean that one day I could be important and powerful like Mister Kaiba too?"

(y/n) hugged the little boys. "I'm sure you will be! Both of you!"


(y/n) left the orphanage and went home to get ready for her date with Seto. When she stepped out of the shower, she heard a knock on her door and she went over to the entrance to find a back outside addressed to her.

She quickly opened the package to find a beautiful dress, heels and a matching clutch with instructions to meet at Kaiba Corp HQ in afew hours. (y/n) finished getting ready and threw on the beautiful cocktail dress and headed towards the building. She found Seto waiting for her, as he escorted her to the rooftop where his jet was ready for takeoff. The two got situated before Seto started the jet.

"Where to, Seto?"

A mischievous grin curled up on the CEO's face. "You'll see."

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