On the run

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I ran fast when I stepped over my old packs border the Bloodhound pack. They threw me out cause I wasn't that good enough for anyone. I ran deep into the forest. Great. Now I have to be careful not to be on another packs territory cause I want to live. Its been about 3hr since I left the pack and Now I'm a rouge. I sat down at a nearby lake and rested up. I missed my parents and my friends. I miss being there. Even though most people didn't like me for what ever reason I still felt lucky. I misses my parents the most. They died in a car crash only about 2 months ago. I miss them like crazy! The alpha never liked me that much so I wasnt treated right. My parents don't this but I was beaten by my alpha a lot and most people stood by and watch as I was tortured.

"Get up you little  inconvenience!" Alpha Carter yelled. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me over to a tree. He punched my stomach and then my face. "Why did you come to pack training late huh?" He asked yelling at me. "I'm sorry alpha-". He kicked me to the floor.

"If you ever be late again, I will toture you and make sure all the unmated  male wolves punish you till you bleed." He threatened and evily laughed.

~end of flashback~

I was now crying. I was never late again. He always use to punished me for the slighest things like that or for the fun of it if he was agry at something. It got worse when my parents died. But luckly he abandoned me then tortour me. Even though I'm sad about leaving I'm happy I don't have to see him again. I was cut off with a snap of a twig. My head jolted up. I saw 4 wolves and I felt strong power from the huge brown wolf. I'm guessing he would be the beta. He went behind a tree and shifted. When he walked out he was a good looking guy. He was only wearing basketball shorts showing his 8pack and taness. His blonde hair styled messely as his blue eyes popped out. "Shift" he said to me. I did as I asked. I went behind a tree and shifted back and wore black skinny jeans with a loose black baggy tee. I walked out and stood in front of him. "What are you doing tresspassing onto the midnightmoons pack territory?" The men asked. When i heard the packs name I stiffened. The strongest pack ever known to man. With the ruthless and emotionalless alpha. Oh god I might as well die. I swallowed before answering. "Sorry I mean no harm I'm just passing through, because my old pack abandoned me". I said with saddnes and betrayal in my voice but quickly masked it with strength.

"Well your gonna have to see our alpha first". Oh great. Just fabulous. I nodded and followed him.

"So what's your name?" The man asked. "Casey Lovegrove." I answer. "You?" I asked. "Eric Wayland beta of the midnughtMoon pack". He answered with a slight smile. He's nice I guess he's not that bad. But what about the alpha?. I returned his smile. As we stopped walking I saw a huge pack house. As we walked inside it was absolutly huge and beautiful. It had polished floors and spiral stair cases that were white as snow. I didn't get time to have a look as james turned to me. "The alphas office is just down the hall at the end. Its okay he doesn't bite just have respect". James explained I thanked him and he have me a knowing smile as I returned one. Good luck to me.

the rogues mate is an alpha(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now