chapter four

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Today I woke up before my alarm which means I've got 2 hours to get ready, seeing as I've got so much time left I decided to do what I've been meaning to do which is to cut my hair into a Bob and  to dye tips pink I don't even know why I want to do it but I just do. I went into the bathroom and took out my scissors to cut my hair and it wasn't that good but who cares with that done I applied the dye and went to check what been treading and I'm kind of disappointed that the body hasn't been found oh well, after some time I went to wash it of while I showered, I'm actually proud of the end results with my brown uneven Bob and pink tips I'm pretty sure no one will notice, I went into the room to go pick an outfit and I decided on an all black outfit that consisted of a black leather skirt which you could probably see my ass if I had to bend down, I decided on a black turtle neck top and my black combat boots with this done I still had an hour left so I just decided to leave early for school.

The moment I got to school I went to the rooftop to have a smoke cause honestly why would I sit where everyone is, the more I sit her I think about how this school is so boring there's nothing entertaining here it just makes me want to blow this whole school down with everyone in it except for Xander, he should be lucky that I actually like him but I'm definitely not going to tell him that I really enjoy the amount effort he puts in just so that I can be his fully.

"What do you want Xander" I said acting like his presence annoys me.
"I came to see my one and only love" he replied smuggly. I didn't even answer I was to busy rolling my joint I couldn't get distracted." Aww is my little pix trying to roll a joint huh" he said sitting behind me with his legs on either side of my hips "come on give it here"he says extending his hand "now why would I do that, this is mine so I'll do it" I said with a bit of sass,next thing I know Xander put his hand around the front of my neck chocking me but not putting to much pressure to be honest this is kind of turning me on." That's no way to talk to your boyfriend is now", he says Turing me around so that I'm facing him "go suck a bag of dicks Xander, I'm not scared of you" I reply leaning a bit back so that I can finish rolling my joint Xander is quiet until I'm done and only now I notice that he removed his hand from my neck.

Once I'm done I lit it up and took a drag then blew it in his face, you can see the frustrating and it doesn't bother me one bit "why do you like resisting, when you know you want me" he says taking my joint and taking a drag, I don't even register the he places his hand on my jaw so that I could open me mouth and he leans in to pass the smoke into my mouth, we were so close to each other if any of us moved closer we would kiss so I move back but Xander places his hand to the back of my neck and says"now where you going I just want a kiss from my girl". "Just a kiss,you don't want anything else xander" I say in a whisper trying to sound seductive which I think is working. " Now that I think about, I think I'll keep you waiting for me, u can resist me for ever" he says letting go of my neck and touching my hair "I love this new look, makes you look crazy it suits you" he says smiling " obviously it suits me why wouldn't it"I reply while rolling my eyes. "Listen carefully little pix, you don't ever roll your eyes at me got it" he says all serious "or else what, what are you going to do" I say smuggly
"Do it and you'll find out" he says, I love when his all so dominant it's such a turn on " whatever I think I'm done here so I'm going" i says getting up while getting up Xander touches my thigh where he placed his mark and smirked and that all he did before he stood up and walked ahead of me leaving me standing in thought.

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